
8 May 2023.

I decided to pull much of the book that was public from public view. There are several reasons for this.

First, some things have changed. Whatever it was happened before, there’s something different now.

Second, it is in need of two things. Major overhaul and reworking when it comes to the conclusions. While on the one hand, certainly, a rather large number of really awful things occurred around me and happened to me while Obama was President (and indeed Biden as well). However, this is to be expected since a major goal is to divide the county through paranoia and distrust.

The other thing the book needs is an ending. We don’t have that yet.

What I do have is an explanation. An origin. It goes like this.

As noted elsewhere in this book, a week or three after 9/11, I was at the dog run at Carl Schurz Park near our apartment on the Upper East Side. I noted a pair of suspicious individuals and made a call.

As one (I strongly suspect) undercover FBI agent said into his ear piece in response to the call, “It’s close to Gracie Mansion.” Indeed it was.

As I think I also noted, the Mayor of New York, also soon to be known as “America’s mayor,” did not actually live there. Instead he lived in an apartment with a lawyer friend. His wife and child did live at Gracie Mansion, however.

What I did not know at the time was that there is some evidence, some possibly circumstantial, suggesting that Giuliani was, and indeed it seems clearer now certainly is, a Russian asset. Perhaps back in 2001 this didn’t seem like such a big deal.

But perhaps stepping back to the 1980s may make it clearer. He made a name for himself by going after the Italian mafia in NYC in Reagan’s Department of Justice.

When it came time in 1993 and again in 1997 for him to run for public office to be Mayor of NYC, Russian businessman Sam Kislin backed him. Though Kislin only donated a total of $45,000 himself, he held fundraisers for Rudy and other, recently created Russian oligarchs donated as well.

When in 1999 Kislin was being charged for stock fraud, he offered the US government information, both from Russian organized crime and Russian intelligence, on Afghanistan in order to stay out of prison.

What practically no one in the public eye seemed to know what that Vladimir Putin and other former KGB men held severe grudges against the United States and especially the Clintons for the fall of the Soviet Union. As I mentioned in a chapter here in one of the more recent edits, Putin and other KGB officers were in Dresden, East Germany working alongside the infamous Stasi, East German secret police. Though Putin himself is not said to have been directly involved, journalist Catherine Belton interviewed a former member of the East German terrorist group Red Army Faction and was told that KGB and Stasi at times chose the time, methods and targets of their attacks. Not always; but sometimes they did.

This should come as no surprise. Any intelligence service worth its weight in salt has at one time or other engaged in some form of false flag. “Advisors” or “observers” push the limit a little bit while live training a foreign ally. Technically speaking, that means the involvement of the government doing the training even though most or all of the news articles that follow will likely not mention that.

So it is that: Giuliani likely served to push the Italian crime families out of the way to make room for the Russian ones. Once they gained a foothold in NYC (and London; there’s extensive writing on this subject but see the book on the death of Litvinenko to get feel for how Russian intelligence perforated London social life using mob money), they then started plotting to put Rudy in the White House.

That most likely would have sounded to many so crazy back in 2006 that you’d be laughed at. Now? Though there was an unhealthy swath of peepee tape talk and so forth, there is something substantial regarding Putin and Donald Trump. Actually several things. Most you can learn about by following Marcy Wheeler and Pete Strzok on Twitter and elsewhere, and reading their blogs.

But what I mean is an event that Ivanka noted. One day in 1999 Donald was with her and pointed to a homeless man. He said, in effect, “I wonder if that guy knows he’s worth $1 billion more than I am?”

Between his loans and promissory notes, Trump was over $900,000,000 in debt.

Sam Kislin arranged the purchases of several Trump condos by Russian oligarchs and saved him from looming failure.

What you may not understand, and this applies to the world of criminals and the similar but different world of spies as well. When you owe someone, they will intend to collect one way or another, and eventually will.

And so a second Putin-backed Trojan horse was pushed forth and that time he actually got in.

In any case, my phone call that prevented whatever they had planned on the UES in 2001 to help usher in a Giuliani administration was what started all of this nonsense. Rudy intended to join the US Senate first but was pushed out for reportedly health reasons. And of course Hillary was elected to the Senate and then later joined the Obama administration.

The thing is, these things that happened…someone planned and executed them. I don’t know precisely who. I have some suspicions. When the Russian mob rolled into Manhattan, how long might it have taken to penetrate and compromise the FBI’s NYO, for example? With the help of someone who already knew some of the players from the previous decade?

Whoever they were, they aren’t caught. That needs to change.


Wicked Game – Chapter 39

“You Bury Me — Part 3”

You’d better free your mind instead.

The party I’d just been invited to by Dan the FBI informant is happening the very next night, July 17, 2010 at 10PM. What’s the angle, I wonder?

Dan is 20 (though I’m thinking this might have coincided with his birthday…can’t recall). There’s the possibility of underaged drinking, so there’s the possibility of a contributing-to-the-delinquency charge.

I checked the address on Google maps on the iPhone. As I recall, I could not actually find that house there nor at a tax map site, but knew where it should be. I grabbed a hat after dark and took a walk over and around the block of the house that Dan, Walter and some other people were renting. I looked for easy escape routes in case of a raid. Taking note of those, I went back home.

The next night it was raining. As I intended to walk, I waited, texted Dan that it was supposed to stop around 11. He texted back that that would be fine.

I showed up to see what was happening. It was BYOB, so I walked over to a local deli and bought myself a couple of beers.

There were some interesting conversations with strangers. One was mildly creepy: The discussion of sociopaths. I mentioned the one I met in college, who, by the way, made national news not long after 9/11 for threatening a Muslim cleric in Canada. He apparently got a visit from the Secret Service as a result of that and was his typical loudmouthed, belligerent self. Think of De Niro’s character in the Cape Fear remake with less redneckyness but the same racist, sexist, penchant for violence and a pathological determination. He had joined the USMC for the express purpose of getting to kill someone. He never got that opportunity there, missed the Gulf Wars and was given an other-than-honorable discharge for going UA–that’s marine talk for AWOL. They had actually grabbed him out of my Pinto when they caught up with him at my college. I was relieved when he was gone. He did, however, introduce me to my partner of 14 and a half years.

Jared and Dan had broken up at some point after our evening of “fun.” Jared seemed restless.

The live music was great, however, and Jared played in one of them. He’s talented.

There was a burlesque show. A young lady with tassels on her nipples had people eating ice cream off of her stomach after an impressive belly dance. I was, of course, on a “diet” and did not partake in that. On occasion I pass up free ice cream, too.

Walter was off, I was told, on an AIDS bike race.

Dan was not at all what he seemed the previous time we met. Instead of the bright-eyed, naïve kid I thought he was, I saw a brilliant and calculating nerd. He was one smart cookie. In fact, I’d say of most of the people I’ve met over the past two years, he’s bound to have been ranked among the top for IQ.

When I asked where Walter was, he told me about the race and that Walter does what I can only call a “furry” sex show with another person named Tim. Tim gets the receiving end of a dildo. That, Dan implied, was the explanation for what “practicing on Tim” had meant when Walter and Chris mentioned that in front of me at Pizza Luce the month before.

Except I had never mentioned Tim to Dan. Dan wasn’t even in earshot when Walter and Chris said that in front of me. The only person I’d told had been the FBI agent I met with that Monday afterwards.

A slip? Or is Dan just so goddamn clever as I said?

Expect our corrupt system to mete out more punishment for Dan for attempting to use his First Amendment rights when the party of “let’s make a war” showed up in St. Paul. It’s not enough to get him fired, ruin a relationship, try to make him their slave…wait this is starting to sound familiar. They will screw him again for being smarter than they are. I tip my hat to the young man. It is a clear violation of Title 18 USC Section 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights, what they did to him. That it’s the same asshats who are supposed to be protecting US citizens from that shit actually doing it is just another sign as to how ironic things are in the lawless Old New West we live in these days.

While Dan and some others and I stood out front having a smoke and a conversation, a group of several couples walked by. The males in the group, all professional in appearance, late 30s to early 40s or so, were clearly inebriated or pretended to be. One of them shouted, “Hey, show us your tits!”

Dan shouted something back and unbuttoned his shirt. Some of the other guys did likewise. Dan asked me to as well, so I did even though I could not believe the shit I was witnessing and felt silly.

One of the men, probably around 5′ 8″ or so, dark hair, came up to Dan and got right up in his face. It was curiously not hostile and yet it was confrontational.

Jesus Christ…he’s FBI. This is a show designed to make me think there’s animosity between the “gay ecoterrorists” and them. I’m supposed to feel protective of Dan, I suppose, supposed to become radicalized because “the man” is picking on my “sisters.”

Really, the agent’s acting wasn’t that great. It was fairly clear that Dan was acting as well.

But I still wasn’t getting the full picture. Not yet. Why did they want me nailed, caught, so badly? That was the question that remained.

And it got even sillier later with my conversation with Jared. He gave me a rabblerousing speech. “People are getting hurt out there! I want to pick up a gun and shoot someone! Something is happening, I can feel it.”

I told him that that was exactly what they want. If you resort to violence, it will justify all the lies they’ve been telling [1], justify the phony intelligence they’ve been cooking up, and they will easily have your ass in jail because they have a virtual army, including DHS.

But I could feel something as well. It’s palpable. It’s what the Tea Party (I mean the folks; not the lying, opportunistic sociopaths who try to corral them and direct their ire at government but not the private industry who owns it) feels as well.

I also said that, should the day come when they can falsify elections, court trials, and they start rounding people up without cause and due process, that then it’s probably time to think about taking it back.

Maybe Jared knew what he was doing and wasn’t Walter’s “camouflage.” I can’t be certain. He made it known he had issues with drug use. Maybe they were blackmailing/coercing him as well with the threat of some drug-related charge.

Or maybe they were offering to pay him or they as they had with Islamic informants who could turn up/create a terrorist. Maybe he was jonesing and they offered to pay him so he could go get a fix. Really, we are at that point, people. These creeps will exploit anything, look for your weak points and apply pressure. Why not a drug addiction?

The irony here, I still wasn’t thinking of MKULTRA. I still wasn’t getting that massive psychological operations are not only possible, they are already happening [2]. I wasn’t aware that they can and undoubtedly do use technology like acoustic psycho-correction to sway judges, juries, reporters, and other key people. I surely didn’t see NDAA coming and allowances for indefinite detention on mere suspicion of terrorism and allowing DoD to run psychological operations on the American people with Congress’ and the White House’ blanket consent.

They are squeezing every last penny out of 9/11 and Islamophobia that they can. Adding gays, transgender, peace activists, etc. to the list of suspects just makes it easier for the next great financial ripoff and loss of civil liberties to happen since there will be fewer people to complain and take to the streets with signs. Remember that poem, “When they came for me…?” That’s why we should be pulling together and demanding better from our institutions. I didn’t know that the DOD was running psy ops on the Senate, for example, to secure more funding (and I have to think, to invade Iran. Tell me that doesn’t seem to be working and tell me that we really need another Iraq or Afghanistan on our hands) as has been reported by the AP and Rolling Stone.

I was given one last chance to try to start an insurrection on the way home when Jared rode his bike by me and gave me a stern, imploring look. I just waved.

I haven’t seen Dan since the party (nor Walter since “bridge night”), but I did run into Jared several more times. Mostly it was at the grocery store, but I also saw him in Dinkytown and he invited me to see his new band play at the Kittycat Club.

I told him that his band reminded me of 16 Horsepower. Though less gothic/horror than that band, they got the “billy” part down. The other bands that night were mostly rockabilly as well. I was seeing a trend.


Yeah, I know, the picture looks a bit like I was trying to photograph Bigfoot or something. Not the best camera for dark shots. He’s the one on the left. It sounded like he was turning things in his life around.

And that’s roughly it. What I also didn’t know was that the DOD, CIA, DHS and other institutions along with the only things they actually serve: their corporate partners, had already declared war on the American people. I don’t think that’s even debatable at this point. The only place they seem to doing the right thing is on TV shows. A very, very important reminder: that’s fiction.

How we handle it is what’s going to define us for a long time to come.


On January 23, 2012, I sent a letter to the office of the Inspector General of the Department of Justice. This was the response:


1 See for example the double-standard regarding the Charlie Hebdo situation. On the one hand, they claim Islam hates freedom. On the other, they take freedoms away. The plot to annoy us all into joining their genocide is fully underway.

Glenn Greenwald, “France Arrests a Comedian For His Facebook Comments, Showing the Sham of the West’s ‘Free Speech’ Celebration,” First Look/The Intercept, 14 January 2015:

Since that glorious “free speech” march, France has reportedly opened 54 criminal cases for “condoning terrorism.” AP reported this morning that “France ordered prosecutors around the country to crack down on hate speech, anti-Semitism and glorifying terrorism.”

J.D. Tuccille, “What’s a Terrorist Attack If Not An Excuse for More Domestic Spying?: Driven by a need to appear proactive, and a taste for power, government officials once again exploit a murderous incident to increase their authority over us,” Reason, 14 January 2015:

Following on last week’s terrorist attacks in France, the British government has dusted off a long-sought “snooper’s charter”—better known as the Data Communications Bill—to ease the power of officials to track people’s private communications.

There’s no evidence that the bill would have prevented the Charlie Hebdo attack, but that incident is why you should pass the bill.

And their strict adhesion to class as determining whether or not the law applies:

Glenn Greenwald, “Dianne Feinstein, Strong Advocate of Leak Prosecutions, Demands Immunity For David Petraeus,” First Look/The Intercept, 12 January 2015:

This man has suffered enough in my view,” Feinstein said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday…

2 From the Snowden cache, the UK’s NSA, GCHQ / JTRIG, on dividing people surreptitiously and disrupting democratic action:

JTRIG slide identifying and exploiting fracture points

< — Chapter 38 – Part 2


Wicked Game – Chapter 38

“You Bury Me — Part 2”

Nobody upping his worth

I went home and to bed. I debated what to do, if anything. Seemed the obvious was that if, if, these kids did something stupid like shut down cellphone service in Minneapolis, then I could easily be in deep shit for having been with them on their scouting mission.

Calling it in and leave it up to FBI how to handle it seemed to make the most sense. I did that later in the morning, left a message or something.

I got a return call some time later, could I come in Monday morning? I agreed though I didn’t really see the need.

Just as I was headed out the door, I realized that the railroad tool resembled a pipe bomb.

Railroad tool or pipe bomb?

I am headed to a Federal building. That might not be a good idea.

I took the photo you see there and left the tool at the apartment.

I met with one agent. Told him the basics about opening the tunnel covers, etc.

He wanted to know why I hung out with them. I said something like we had bonded around being gay. I really didn’t know the answer. In fact, that’s about as much reason as anything else. I did not understand why all of this to-do. It didn’t make sense. The constant harassment, the craziness…there had to be a reason and not following leads did not seem a good way to find out. There had to be simpler, less intrusive and offensive means of dealing with whatever apparent misunderstanding had occurred was my thinking at the time. Of course, there wasn’t one. The US government and megacorporations no longer have any separation to speak of and consider the American people the enemy if for no other reason than still having a few dollars in their pockets and that darned ability to sometimes think for themselves and see through the bullshit.

Of course it all makes sense once you realize that the ultimate goal was the protection of an illegal clandestine program designed to control or steer the political discourse and policy course of the United States. Creating havoc in a country that has not been allowed to stop thinking about terrorism for a single moment since 9/11 would have predictable results. More privatization of security, more contracts for chummy private corporations who take care of their friends on the inside. More influence of the larger, more influential industry leaders be they energy, defense or the financial sector itself making money for a few.

As the interview progressed, I gave him the details I knew: Walter’s supposed birthday; Dan’s phone number; Chris’ place of employment.

The agent had pen and paper but clearly was not writing down what I was giving him. It occurred to me that there’s probably a very good reason for the bench for people to wait on in the lobby in that building. I figured it was all recorded, video taped. Maybe they even have a body language expert watch or review it.

But that wasn’t all. It was because the FBI knew these guys already because they were doing what they do for them. But I hadn’t realized that yet. They were more interested in me.

We discussed why some of that might have been a “half-assed hit” (half because it would have required my drugged state to complement the offers of doing something fatally dumb). They weren’t terribly interested in carrying it out on their own, but had been directed to try or directed to make me think that they were.

The agent said that he didn’t think so. I even mentioned some of those old blogging subjects (didn’t think to, but perhaps should have, mentioned Sibel Edmonds).

Then I said, “There was a…a thing there for me to protect myself. It looked like a pipe bomb. Can you imagine if I walked into a building like this with that in my hand?”

His eyes went wide as he thought about that.

I continued, “It wasn’t a pipe bomb…I think it’s a railroad tool of some kind. Seen them as a kid near railroad tracks.”

“We’d be appreciative of any further information you can provide.”

And that was the end of the interview. If he made the connection to the FBI’s screw-up with Richard Jewel, he didn’t show it. Jewel was someone that they thought suffered from Munchausen syndrome, someone they thought created a terror attack so he could be the big hero afterwards. You know, like the CIA did on 9/11 with torture and the FBI and NYPD have been doing ever since. They eventually found that they were wrong about Jewel and pipe bombs were the work of a radical rightwing group.

I decided to leave it alone.

Then several days later, no further apparent developments in the making, I figured, “What the hell?”

I went to the 501 in the hopes of seeing them again. They weren’t there. Neither was their lesbian “boss.”

However, while I was standing outside having a smoke, there was a young man speaking to a young woman. He mentioned the Saloon (the most popular gay bar in Minneapolis, where I spent many an evening, some recently). He, though very probably straight, described very closely my experience at the Saloon including some details regarding the entertainment there. The kind of details that a surveillance team would have.

Then he said, pointing to the one of the tallest skyscrapers (could have been Wells Fargo, maybe IDS or Capella), “That’s where Batman would be, if he were here. Up at the top.”

Let me jump way back to my first recollection of even hearing about mind-altering substances like LSD. It was when my patents were explaining to me what happened to the daughter of that nice man on TV I’d seen all those times. I was about four years old when that happened.

This young man, the one I now often refer to as ‘Janus,’ who I lean toward thinking was operative, not simply some dupe being fed what to say via V2S, is one of the things that is most troublesome about this whole affair. He had to know exactly what he was doing. I was drugged and these motherf***ers tried repeatedly to use that to get me to “Darwin award” myself out of existence (and I haven’t even gotten to many of the attempts to drive me to suicide and what those entailed). There is just no other way to look at it.

We are teaching these kids to be fascists. There’s just no other way to look at that. It’s fun to see if we can torture and murder each other, I take it. Let’s show thousands of security employees that the law is just for everyone else and that you, too, can pull a search warrant out of your balls (Google it).

He also mentioned another personal matter or two which I cannot recall at the moment. Clearly knew my bidness.

I went home disgusted by that sad prank. I figured this little adventure was over.

Then, on July 16, 2010, Dan contacted me again.

Dan 2nd text

< — Chapter 37 – Part 1        Chapter 39 – Part 3 — >



IntroChapter 1Chapter 2
Chapter 3Chapter 4
Chapter 5Chapter 6
Chapter 7Chapter 8
Chapter 9Chapter 10
Chapter 11Chapter 12
Chapter 13Chapter 14
Chapter 15Chapter 16
Chapter 17Chapter 18
Chapter 19Chapter 20
Chapter 21Chapter 22
Chapter 23Chapter 24
Chapter 25Chapter 26
Chapter 27Chapter 28
Chapter 29Chapter 30
Chapter 31Chapter 32
Chapter 33 • Chapter 34 •
• Chapter 35 • Chapter 36 •
Chapter 37Chapter 38
Chapter 39 • Chapter 40 •

Appendix AAppendix B


Wicked Game – Chapter 37

“You Bury Me — Part 1”

…a fall of 75 feet or more onto a hard surface…bridges will serve.
The CIA Assassination Manual, 1952

Recall that the FBI has been historically (among other things) the domestic arm of the intelligence community. When CIA has a problem on American soil, it is supposed to ask for FBI’s aid in dealing with it. Leaks, for example. Allegations of connections between the domestic (FBI turf) antiwar movement and foreign (CIA turf) terrorist organizations. We saw an example of the latter in the Twin Cities when FBI raided the homes of several protesters and there was a resulting protest in front of their building on Washington Avenue [1].


Whistleblower Coleen Rowley [2] showed up. A local NPR affiliate was there along with some some other news outlets.

I recognized a few faces from various political functions including a visit from then-DNC chairman Governor Tim Kaine at Rep. Keith Ellison’s office during the recent midterm elections where they had been protesting outside. Some of them were those later being investigated (as a reporter of my acquaintance once suggested about me, probably it was the Democrats who got those people into trouble. Really that party is 99% full of s— and enjoys their wars as much as the American Nazi Party, which some people still cling to referring to as the GOP).

Then there was “Magnus,” a war protester who was assaulted by assailants unknown in a manner not unlike the unsolved attack on Dan Rather [3]. Magnus is not his real name, that was the name he took when he decided the fight for peace was not worth the personal pricetag attached and became sort of “religious” via yoga and spiritualism. I had seen Magnus at many of the events I attended.

This is the return of the old MHCHAOS program, where the Nixon administration sought proof and the aid of the intelligence community in linking the war protest movement to the USSR and/or the Chinese [4]. The hilarious theater that took place in the Nixon White House included CIA refusing the request for some time before agreeing even though they were already doing it before being asked to do so. Hoover refused and/or dragged his feet about doing what they asked so CIA had to handle it themselves on American soil, was the logic. Their excuse: Blaming the Huston Plan [5]. See the pattern? It’s always someone else’s fault, even when they act unilaterally. If caught, they just shift the lie to another narrative. The Huston Plan wasn’t actually ever implemented.

The result: not a single real connection found, CIA field personnel resentful of being asked to spy on Americans, and no accountability resulting in having to relive it today where the fear of radical fundamentalism has replaced the “Red Scare” and McCarthyism as excuses for dramatic displays of righteous anger, distractions from theft and graft, and excuses for infringements on civil rights that make the theft and graft easier to do. Hence the death of the middle class [6].

Previous to those raids, there were the problems surrounding the “RNC Eight” [7] and many other protesters arrested during the 2008 RNC convention in St. Paul. One such person was Dan. Dan had been arrested, then charges had been dropped, and he later went to work for the Census. Not long after being there, he was fired because of his arrest at the RNC.

Keep in mind as you read how I met him and a few others that I believe he was being blackmailed / coerced by the FBI into being an informant. Of course, that’s not really the correct term. FBI was attempting to get people like Dan to entrap other people. This common practice [8] was what prompted one of my later visits to the FBI (that and seeking an end to the harassment).

An additional technical detail about these kinds of operations is that the operatives frequently add non-operatives to their group as cover. It adds verisimilitude to the camouflage. This makes them seem more like what they are trying to pretend to be. One or two operatives add one or two people to their number who either know nothing about the goal of the operation or only know a very limited amount about it and have no idea that a government entity is involved. They may be given disinformation about the intended target so as to get them to go along with a particular plan of action that is either illegal, harmful to the target, or both. These “camouflage” dupes can also serve as patsies should there be charges filed. The target may run into one of them later by “accident” and decide it is time for some roadside justice resulting in the tying up of two loose ends for those who engineered it. I’m reasonably certain that Chris, the latter addition to the group I met, fell into this category.

Here we have an organization (the FBI) being told who-knows-what about me by some other member(s) of the intel community who in turn attempts to engineer what they think they know about me into a series of traps. And it didn’t end there despite having avoided the traps and attempted to do the right thing.

What I’m detailing below is more akin to COINTELPRO [9] than anything else.

It is very late on June 11 or very early on 12, 2010 and I’ve gone out because of some impulse to do so.

The past two weeks have been among the strangest and toughest up to this point. Besides fighting multiple delusions planted there by repeated voice-to-skull sessions and PSYOPs, the parties responsible spent ten days straight “beating” me up via V2S to suggest something I know is not true. Though generally the sessions lasted only a hour and a half or so, you spend the rest of the day attempting to sleep off the emotional fatigue and rid your mind of what they’ve been filling it with. This is brainwashing, or “brainhacking” as I prefer to call it.

They tried and tried to get me to buy off on the lie that the entire situation with Peter Watts was an elaborate publicity stunt coordinated by Peter and Cory Doctorow. Although I knew and know there is no way this is the case, it didn’t help that something had been going on in Canada as well. Clear to me now, they had been pitting us all against each other, sewing distrust. My odd behavior, as I’ve noted previously, due to loss, harassment, drugging, electronic remote torture via voice-to-skull or similar technology based on the Frey effect, frequently had me saying things that were directed at the “ghosts” responsible but via messages to other people I knew who likely could make no sense of it. There was no other viable outlet for the extreme frustration and stress placed on me. Where were the people who did this? Hiding in the shadows. This fact is undoubtedly what contributed to events like the Navy Yard shooting [10].

They had started pushing that disinfo narrative, about it being a publicly stunt, almost two weeks previous to this evening in June. Every day, they pushed and pushed for me to contact authorities with that phony explanation.

That narrative could not explain why Kate Conway’s home was burnt to the ground and the seeming cause being three relatives of the primary Squidgate accuser much less the overabundance of cloak-and-dagger garbage I witnessed. Neither it could not hide what it really was: An operation by one or more of our public and/or private intelligence organizations. Additionally, as a “convicted felon,” Peter Watts may not be able to enter the United States. That’s a large market he cannot visit. Some publicity stunt.

A probable assassination attempt in February of 2011 will prove that their explanation was a lie, that my instincts were correct. It was tiring fighting it off, though, and I knew I could not hold out forever. They pushed it day after day. There had to be a way to seem to satisfy the growingly impatient operatives pushing that deception and yet not actually doing what they were prompting me to do. In the meantime, before figuring out what that would be, I set arbitrary deadlines for myself, held out until I had examined a particular hypothesis a bit further a few days later. Once those were exhausted, it was time to try something else.

I started an argument via email with Peter. I waited to see what the reaction would be locally. It was obvious to me that there would be one. They wanted that or something like it too badly to leave it there.

Ten or fifteen minutes after the end of the email exchange I “heard” a voice say–really more like an involuntary thought of someone speaking, via voice-to-skull or whatever method is employed: “Yeah! Retribution!” and my iPhone suffered an “error” and skipped from whatever was playing to a track that was, actually, called “Retribution” (a free download from the makers of the EVE Online MMORPG, a good scifi space opera game that also has some great music). I could practically feel their relief after having beat me up for ten days to do something along these lines and I had resisted for so long.

Note, I don’t know if that iPhone is “special” or not, just that it’s predecessor got pickpocketed by what I assume to have been a Roma man from Europe, the Wednesday night–actually early the Thursday morning–before the Squidgate trial while I was still in NYC. Probably any iPhone can be so hacked and remote controlled, NSA and other IC members have many such tools as their disposal [11].

As noted in Chapter 3? [not written yet] there had been the crossing of a different bridge, one under construction, some time in May.

There was little surprise when three young men walked straight up to me and asked me to join them. Something had to happen and this was it. Walter was first to approach and speak. He was a thin, 24 year-old gay man. He immediately noted the button I wore on my jacket with a keen sense of irony, I HEART BRIDGES. Said irony resulted from the Blue Water Bridge connecting Port Huron to Sarnia where Peter Watts was arrested, the other two bridges I had just crossed weeks before and, I wasn’t aware of it yet, but the quote at top of this chapter from that book. It was obvious this was the “reply” to the emails.

Now we were standing on yet another bridge. Just wait.

The three of them were all rather slight in build and I didn’t feel the least bit threatened physically as a result of that. Neither were they particularly hostile or seeming capable of violence.

Walter and I traded banter back and forth most of the evening. He seemed to be the ringleader, but I would discover later (at a party) that Dan was probably a lot smarter but not so outgoing and so let Walter do most of the talking.

Jared and Dan were dating. Jared was also 24, Dan was 20. They had played D&D and utilized at times The Book of Erotic Fantasy, an unofficial (sometimes contentious) supplement to spice the game up for amorous couples, lonely nerds, and dirty-minded teens. This was interesting because I had at one time been a player, a playtester, and friend of a few game designers. We had largely interacted on Yuku, a messageboard system that replaced EZBoard, which you may recall was hacked in 2005. The gaming supplement had come up more than once on those boards.

Walter also took some glee in telling me about how he had been disappointed on his birthday when some people he expected did not show up. “Interestingly,” I had a similar experience in January of 2010 when we went to see Avatar and “we” wound up being several less than expected. But that might have been directed more towards Janus not showing up in Minneapolis and being told that via V2S during Juneteenth. These kinds of comments, though it’s always difficult to be sure, seek to make the target paranoid and panicky. “Were ‘they’ watching me back in January of 2010?” Etc.

The first stop on this evening’s crazy train was climbing under the Stone Arch Bridge which was why they claimed to be there in the first place. (Again, recall that this is after I deliriously and recently crossed one under construction).

They asked me to join them in their climb. I declined. Walter even kissed me [12] just before climbing over the railing and onto the ladder, but that didn’t change my mind. In fact, the kiss was rather passionless…hard to find good help I suppose–though the vice versa can also be true.

I told them I’d call 9-1-1 if they anyone fell. The bridge has a crawl space thingy on it’s belly. I also note that it’s Federal property I’m reasonably certain, given that not less than a week after this event I’d be handed a map of the area by the National Park Service.

After they reemerged from under the bridge on the other end of the crawl space, they told me about the social services that Minnesota has to offer. I had no idea those things would be available to me, so that was welcome advice. Though this, in retrospect to a small degree, reminds me of Laurence Olivier’s creepy performance in Marathon Man when he gives Dustin Hoffman’s character advice just before drilling into his teeth with the full knowledge that he’s going to have him killed once he gets the answer he wants… “Enjoy it. It’s the last time people won’t expect anything from you,” to “Is it safe?”.

What had prompted the conversation was Walter asking me if I had health insurance and the resulting bizarre silence that followed my answer in the negative.

Walter also told me that if I saw flashlights and lanterns in the nearby flour mill ruins that that was their group hanging out at night. About a month after these events, they installed large spotlights in those ruins.

We headed off for beer and pizza. Along the way, I was told by the Jared that they used to pretend to be, but now they really are, ecoterrorists. I never found out precisely what it was they actually did that made them think they had struck some blow for Mother Nature. Attempting to ascertain that and curiosity about what was really in store as the evening wore on were the primary reasons for sticking around with them.

They opened manhole covers along the way, examining the contents. I asked Dan if he had these mapped as they indicated they had been doing this for some time. He just pointed to his head, that he was memorizing them.

Some of these tunnels contained cellphone equipment and lines. Others, something to do with the City’s heating system. Many were empty, blocked up mudholes, or inaccessible.

One stop (the 501 Bar which is located behind a gay bar called The Eagle) involved a brief meeting with their supposed “eco-terror cell leader,” a youngish woman with short blond hair whom I was told was a lesbian. She implied to Walter that I was not wanted around. This launched Walter into various double entendres later on that could be construed as sex or murder in a deserted place like a cave…or a blocked up sewer tunnel. Though all this was already pushing the boundaries of credibility, the “young gay ecoterrorist group run by a lesbian” really pushed it over the top. Her inability to make eye contact with me coupled with the whole evening’s innuendo really poured on the tongue-in-cheek.

At the 501, I gave Dan my cell number and asked him to text me.


He did so. Jared was about to object when he was doing so, but stopped himself. Was he worried that whatever was going to happen that night might be traced back as a result of that text? I know that that was why I had asked him to do it.

The first of several utility covers they opened were primarily in the back alleys of Downtown Minneapolis. When I suggested this activity might perk the interest of MPD, I was told that they were mostly concerned with other matters.

Along the way to more urban exploration, they added a fourth person: Chris, closer to 30, perhaps 6’1″, and with an athletic build. Now I had reason to consider that Walter’s innuendos might have some teeth and the reasons for finding a nice cave (natural or manmade tunnels) might be hazardous to my health. Chris worked at the famous music venue, First Avenue. At Pizza Luce, Chris suggested to Walter that he “practice” on their acquaintance Tim. It was another of those, “sex or death or something else?” triple-meanings. Walter had purposely and pointedly brought up adding Chris to me as if his arrival might mean something important. It was a double-entendre, sort of a Rorschach test: Would I assume Walter’s mustache-twisting performance meant that they intended me harm? F—, yes. Whether they would actually follow through to do so was another question altogether. Working in the construction industry in NYC for 20 years one comes to not always take threats seriously.

As we progressed along and it got later/earlier, we wound up in more and more remote locations. I think one of them (based on the map I was given later) was on the property of the Federal Reserve. It was a big blank wall in a parking lot next to our next destination: The railroad tracks leading from Downtown across the Mississippi, onto Nicolett Island, and into NE or SE Minneapolis.

While attempting to open the one in the parking lot, Walter was bent over sufficiently so I could see his underwear. They had Chinese writing on them, though I don’t know what brand that was. In retrospect, this pushed things well into the informant category, where they were looking for radicals of any sort: Communists, eco-terrorists, whatever. Walter, for whatever reasons (self-loathing homo, blackmailed by FBI perhaps) was on a fishing expedition.

They hopped over the railing and down to the railroad tracks. Hilariously, Jared offered me a hand to help prevent me getting injured. That’s when I also noticed, despite the recent rainfall, that there was a clean, dry bundle of hay sitting there to jump down safely onto. This didn’t occur to me at the time (remember, drugged silly) but became obvious later, this was a set stage. The jump down was far enough to be injured–and sue–but not high enough to die from it.

On the way to the next lid, deciding better-safe-than-sorry would be a good policy, I picked up a torn beer can and folded it into a crude knife. If nothing else, I could scratch Chris’ face or nick an eyelid, and make a run for it if there was an attempt at burying yours truly alive.

Further on, I found a better weapon and “traded up” from the (D&D joke, has to happen) -1 cursed dagger to a +1 club. Like the hay, this thing was not wet nor covered with dirt like everything else laying around. This was a prop that had been placed after the rainfall.

It’s proper use is as a tool of some sort. I still haven’t found the proper name for it, but I think it’s a disposable thing used to drive railroad spikes into the ground to secure railroad ties. Likely contained a one-shot charge that is fired to force them down or enhance the force behind the swing of the hammer behind it.

One other strange thing is that the item was noisy, rattly. None of the others seemed to notice the noise, which should have been an indication that this was largely theater. They knew and expected me to pick it up, having placed it there for that purpose.

When we got to the last cover, Dan and Jared walked off. The narrative seemingly was that they couldn’t bare to watch what was going to happen next. Apparently Chris, at Walter’s command, was going to knock, throw, or otherwise force me into the hole to be left to bleed, drown, or otherwise be trapped unless and until I could escape.

As we stood there, the club up a sleeve ready to smack Chris’ skull if he made a move toward me, Walter and Chris gave each other a look that defies easy description in English (I told Holder and Mueller in an email that it was Mamihlapinatapei [13] in which I gave them grief about what happened that night). After a few seconds, they seemed to give up and we made our way across the railroad bridge. They slid down a hill under the Grain Belt Beer sign on Nicolett Island and I went home.


The narrative that came out from all of this, the new lie that they pushed, was that these people, Dan, Walter and Jared, were the associates of the news site friend of the Squidgate accused. Unfortunately, given my extremely confused state of mind at the time and the continued harassment that followed these events, that one stuck for a while. However, I decided that these young men were mostly fantasizing despite all that and were mostly harmless. It would take some time and additional information before the truth dawned on me.

1. Protests at FBI building over investigation of anti-war protesters accused of supporting “the enemy.”

See also Jimmy Carter saying that the definition given would have included him.

2. Colleen Rowley on 9/11 failures.

3. “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?” attack on Dan Rather.

4. MHCHAOS effort to tie protesters to foreign intelligence services.

5. History Commons, John Charles Huston:

Read it and compare to today.

6. HuffPo-Google search, “Death of the middle class”:

7. The RNC 8.

8. Trevor Aaronson, “The Informants,” Mother Jones, Sept./Oct. 2011:

But shortly after 9/11, President George W. Bush called FBI Director Robert Mueller to Camp David. His message: never again. And so Mueller committed to turn the FBI into a counterintelligence organization rivaling Britain’s MI5 in its capacity for surveillance and clandestine activity. Federal law enforcement went from a focus on fighting crime to preventing crime; instead of accountants and lawyers cracking crime syndicates, the bureau would focus on Jack Bauer-style operators disrupting terror groups.

And the US became a kleptocracy over a false-flag attack run by NATO.

9. AARC Library, Church-Tower Hearings, “Vol. 6 – FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION”:

10. Alan Jones, “42 days after ‘microwave mind control’ complaint, Alexis kills 12,” Washington Times Communities, 18 September 2013:

Microwave mind-control technology was developed over fifty years ago during the height of the Cold War. Among the established effects of microwave weapons are sleep deprivation, a symptom that NBC News reports Alexis received treatment for.

To see what he’s referring to, the Army…

US Army, “Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons,” 17 February 1998, declassified 6 December 2006, from a FOIA response:

Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons

There is, however, a growing perception that microwave irradiation and exposure to low frequency fields can be involved in a wide range of biological interactions. Some investigators are even beginning to describe similarities between microwave irradiation and drugs regarding their effects on biological systems. For example, some suggest that power density and specific absorption rate of microwave radiation may be thought of as analogous to the concentration of the injection solution and the dosage of drug administration, respectively. Clearly, the effects of microwaves on brain tissue, chemistry, and functions are complex and selective. Observations of body weight and behavior revealed that rats, exposed under certain conditions to microwaves, eat and drink less, have smaller body weight as a result of nonspecific stress mediated through the central nervous system and have decreased motor activity. It has been found that exposure of the animals to one modality of radiofrequency electromagnetic energy substantially decreases aggressive behavior during exposure. However, the opposite effects of microwaves, in increasing the mobility and aggression of animals, has also been shown for a different exposure modality.

…and the Navy.

Zorach R. Glaser, “Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena {‘Effects’} and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation,” US Navy/Naval Medical Research Institute, 4 October 1971:

Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena {‘Effects’} and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation

The latter contains a long list of the symptoms and health problems it can create including ‘neurasthenia,’ an outdated word for paranoia, depression, and more laundry list of things that activists, witnesses, whistleblowers, and journalists and the like may find themselves suffering from. Recall again the 1955 CIA draft MKULTRA memo, this time item 5:

5. Materials which will produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc.

Allen McDuffee, “Conspiracy Theories Abound After Navy Yard Shooting,” WIRED, 20 September 2013:

Compare the articles above with FBI’s “ELF was a Navy underwater thing that went nowhere” narrative.

Note also, again, witnesses claiming multiple shooters and FBI insisting there was only Alexis. They will trot psychologists out to say this is a common misperception among witnesses to violence and try to explain it away. It is also what you would do if you had one person made unstable and therefore unreliable when you wanted a lot of bloodshed to fulfill your agenda in a false-flag attack; have additional shooters to ensure casualties. This is classic covert ops.

11. Article on government’s ability to take over various iPhone functions remotely which I need to find again (seen on Twitter in recent weeks, probably from an #anon account).

12. See the bizarre parallels between that evening’s shenanigans and the case of Eric McDavid, released from prison because FBI withheld documents related to his case:

Amanda Holpuch, “Man convicted of ‘eco-terrorism’ freed amid claims FBI hid evidence: Eric McDavid sentenced to nearly 20 years in 2007 for conspiring to bomb one or more targets including electric power stations and cellphone towers,” The Guardian, 9 January 2015:

His lawyers say he was entrapped by an FBI informant – “Anna” – the recipient of the love notes which were hidden away in the FBI office. She was named in the trial and was the subject of a feature in Elle magazine. McDavid’s supporters say she encouraged him to engage in violent acts against the government while suggesting future romantic encounters.

McDavid was arrested in January 2006, and sentenced to nearly 20 years in federal prison in September 2007. He was convicted of conspiring to bomb one or more targets including electric power stations, California’s Nimbus Dam, cell phone towers and the United States Forest Service Institute of Forest Genetics.

Ed Pilkington, “Role of FBI informant in eco-terrorism case probed after documents hint at entrapment: In the case of Eric McDavid, alleged to be ring-leader of eco-terrorist cell, ‘game-changing’ documents seen exclusively by the Guardian show informant may have entrapped him,” The Guardian, 13 January 2015:

On the surface, she blended in very well. With a skull tattooed on her shoulder, a black-and-white keffiyeh around her neck, a shock of bright pink hair and her standard-issue dress of camouflage skirt and heavy boots, the energetic 17-year-old looked every bit the radical eco-activist she worked so hard to imitate.

But “Anna”, as she called herself, was no ordinary eco-protester. Really, she wasn’t one at all. She was an FBI informant under instructions to infiltrate fringe green groups and anti-capitalist networks and report back on their activities to the US government.

13. Matador Network, 20 Awesomely Untranslatable Words from Around the World, 2010:

Note that the title for this chapter and the next two also came from that article. There’s nothing like pointing out that the Arabic language contains a phrase for “I can’t bear to live without you” to make at least a thinking person wonder where the media’s image of the mad, angry bomber comes from.

Chapter 38 – Part 2 — >


Wicked Game – Chapter 25

“Dirty Tricks”

I likely am going to forget to include many, perhaps even some very important ones. There was a lot happening in a very short period of time. This chapter largely deals with some of the pranks and worse that happened, and some of the harassment. It is intended to be informative. There are a lot more targets out there now since, for example, Edward Snowden’s revelations. Maybe they will recognize some of these tactics when they happen to them.

(Note that the proposed fix for the Internet problems I describe below is for the very perpetrators of them to be given total sovereignty over it. They will, as Orwell predicted, use it to control information).

The first Internet oddity I noticed was that I started getting “Thank you for your message” auto-replies from politicians. Soon after I started getting vacation auto-replies as well from people I did not know (including a lady from Macy’s which is what put me into wondering about bomb threat territory). The content of the emails that “I” sent these people I never completely knew.

I could guess at two. I wrote Senator Schumer about the Squidgate situation and did not hear back (though, again, the federal government did not press charges, that was the state of Michigan). I got an auto-reply email that thanked me for my message opposing healthcare reform, but here was why he supported it, etc.

I had, of course, not sent an email opposing healthcare reform. I supported healthcare reform.

I had later, from Minneapolis, written Senator Franken’s office about my situation and never heard back. I did get a reply, though, an actual reply, regarding an email I never sent. Here it is:

March 1, 2012

Dear Christopher,

Thank you for contacting me about federal regulation of cigars. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates tobacco products for the public health of all Americans. As you know, tobacco is harmful not only to the smoker but also to those who breathe secondhand smoke. While it continues to remain a personal choice whether to use these products in private, Congress has charged the FDA to regulate tobacco products, including cigars, so that their private use does not cause public harm.

S. 1461, the Traditional Cigar Manufacturing and Small Business Jobs Preservation Act of 2011, would exempt traditional large and premium cigars from regulation by the FDA. This bill was introduced in the Senate on August 1, 2011 and subsequently referred to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), of which I am a member. Scientific research has shown that cigar smoke contains even more toxins than cigarette smoke and can be deeply harmful to our health. For this reason, I believe this legislation raises significant concerns. I appreciate the opportunity to have an open dialogue with you on this matter, and will keep your thoughts in mind if this bill comes up for consideration.

Thank you again for contacting me, and please don’t hesitate to do so in the future regarding this or any other matter of concern to you.


Al Franken
United States Senator

Of course, I had already moved out of Minnesota by then in any case. What? Do you see something there that I don’t?

What if some of these emails were threatening? What if, for example, because they were bored and needed to bill something or attempting to stir up trouble, Booz Allen Hamilton (now known simply as Booz Allen a subsidiary of the Carlyle Group, as is sister company Booz Allen) faked emails from me that were threatening, stalker-like, or otherwise disturbing to the recipients? What if they bombarded my representatives with gibberish filled emails? What if, as the cigar and healthcare emails may imply, they “painted” me as having the opposite political opinions than I actually hold? While on the one hand, it should not matter. If I were a Republican (there are many conservatives who are targets of Organized Stalking), I should still be getting help from my reps.

But it might make me seem like someone they would just as soon not hear from.

Worse, if the emails were threatening, they might refer it to the Secret Service.

I’m certain that this has happened to people. If I can think it up based on the scant evidence that I have, then these people, take my word for it, thought of it a long time ago and use it to good effect.

The sort of mirror image of that is the phony consensus or online “gangstalking.” Originally touted as a way of taking the air out of radical terrorist online efforts, it has instead become a propaganda tool. Though maybe brainwashing is more a more accurate term than propaganda.

There is a software package that the Department of Defense (and others) have contracted for that allows one operative sitting at a computer to pretend to be several people [1]. They show as having different IP addresses. They can have, for example, several Twitter accounts open at the same time and slam one person with what appears to be a large group.

I don’t know if that is what happened on Peter Watts’ blog. There was one person who posed the question, “Who are all these people?” At the time it did not occur to me that they might be one person.

Later, a friend of Peter’s wife, also an author, was the target of a group who labeled his books as being anti-feminist (after reading the first five pages of only one book). This appeared to originate from one (self-identified anyway) woman which then got the attention of many more people. Again, I can’t know if it was one or the other (or a sincere woman under the influence of voice-to-skull for that matter) but it showed me how it could be done and it could destroy or, if a person were a defense or other industry darling/MOCKINGBIRD, make a career.

Phony consensus used to alter reality, harass, move us in the desired direction without us even knowing that it was done.

One of the other things that happened to me was that someone hacked into my iTunes account and changed the default language to Farsi. This was coupled with another thing that happened.

As the trial grew closer (it happened in March of 2010), I got more and more restless. My longterm relationship was over by then. As I said, I thought one day all (whatever all was) would be forgiven and I’d have the job and the boyfriend back.

But in the meantime, I was single. For the first time, I started going out to gay bars. I’d been a few times before but my partner and I had mostly been homebodies. It was new and exciting (and more than a little crazy).

I wound up at a bar next to Urge bar. It was a relatively new bar.

(Half owned by a man who I later discovered was a former Navy man. Yes, I think it possible that it was some kind of secretive DoD place to study, watch, or muck with gays. I also found the old Uncle Charlie’s to be likely CIA’s equivalent that also had a lot of Che Guevara t-shirt wearing kids in it. The details are on the blog though I mistakenly thought the half-owner was Army instead of Navy.

By the way, that’s how you know something is CIA’s: any indication of old style Communism. It works like a charm. Even real Communists have moved on from the 60s and 70s. Not our government).

I deleted my Twitter account as I had my LiveJournal. The harassment (or Balding’s “training”) had made me behave differently for a time. I can’t quite explain it. I was in a way more at ease and at the same time wound so tightly. It was a strange way to feel.

The night after I angrily deleted the Twitter account was when I ended up at the bar near Urge. The place was mostly empty. There was man there who seemed out of place.

I won’t go into great detail about that. I’m sure he was just doing his job. I did wish that I had left and had drinks with him instead of staying, but then I had no idea at all what had happened, what was happening, and it clearly wasn’t something I could be talked out of in any case.

He was the one who noted that I was spitting a lot. I still don’t know why I started doing it. I can only tell you that for the vast majority of my life I didn’t do it, never thought of it as something that needed doing, but after all that I did it. And I still do. Don’t know why.

One of the earliest harassment things was a man who got out of his car and behaved strangely, right in front of my apartment. He spit several times in the direction of a nearby church. His behavior was overly dramatic (that’s not the “Truman’s syndrome” talking). It was a PSYOP or part of one but I’ll be damned if I know what it was supposed to do (other than illustrate and predate my spitting habit).

Later that night, a woman tried to pickpocket me. Despite being rather intoxicated, I caught her. For some reason I decided not to stay. I went to another bar. I met what I think was probably a half-Italian/half-Roma man. We drank some and he managed to pull my wallet, take the cash, and put my wallet back in my pocket without me noticing. He also got my iPhone (which had a huge chunk of my life in it) out of my front breast jacket pocket.

It was as if they were erasing me, emptying me, and trying to fill that void with someone or something else. I wondered later if they weren’t just trying to emulate dissociative personality disorder or similar for anyone else who might be watching, or to convince me of it.

The next day I went to get the phone shut off. The clerk kept strangely staring at the screen as if he was having trouble reading it. He confirmed that it was shut off and I left. I went to the Apple store and bought myself another phone. The trial was the following week and I needed to be ready.

It was nice of the pickpocket to leave me my cards and license, to risk being caught putting them back, just so I could go to the trial, wasn’t it?

A month or more later, I’d get an angry email from my former boss. When was I going to turn my phone off? (The account was still in the company’s name). The clerk had not turned the damn thing off even though I told him it was stolen and he confirmed to me that he had turned it off.

Later, I’d get an email from a friend who had texted me at the old number and gotten a reply in Farsi.

I don’t know what being subject to that kind of silliness does in terms of getting you unwanted federal attention. I think rather it was more along the lines of trying to shake me up, create hundreds of small traumatic events that would add up to serious psychological trauma, disillusionment, and, they hoped, turn me into a terrorist.

Then there was the photo, supposedly found in an abandoned Russian nuclear missile silo:


The resemblance to Peter Watts was striking. I’d later see some guy complaining about some odd character online and see a picture that looks a bit like me:


And they were using that persona to annoy some rapper or similar. Imagine if I’d walk down the street of wherever and someone thought I was that dude on a particularly bad day. As I said, pitting people against each other and sewing the seeds of distrust is partially what this is about. Don’t like amateur black ops historians and musicians of color? Pit them against each other.

These are “doppelgängers.” In the spy biz, they have a lot of uses. I was told by a Cold War spook that sometimes they use them just to let the opposition know that they are aware of where they are. For example, a high-ranking CIA officer goes to Norway for a meeting with the station chief. They take precautions. The Russians might send in two men dressed identically to the officer and the chief just to let them know that they aren’t being fooled (and, interestingly, that their conversation is not a private one).

The main old use was to make the security services of Iron Curtain countries think that people were in one place while they were actually in another. A potential spy would appear to be shopping (the double) while actually speaking to their CIA or MI6 handler elsewhere.

In harassment they are used for other reasons. Possibly to gauge the target’s reaction to various people. Also, likely to remind them of something, perhaps a painful memory. And, I cannot dismiss the rather disturbing intention of getting the target to associate the pain that they suffer with whomever a doppelganger looks like.

Like a dog whose tail gets stepped on biting the wrong offender, a severely harassed individual is likely to strike out at the person they think most responsible or just near by. With human beings, this can extend into superstition. We try to cope with bad luck and the strange somehow. Back in ’90, I turned to religion. Others think it’s space aliens, the Devil or some group or other.

Now I prefer to think of the only ones with motive and the capability, supported by the historical record.

And of course there was the young operative who stole the garbage, disguised himself to look a lot like Adrienne when I’d first met him, and later skulked outside Jeremy Scahill’s place.

To try to harass and confuse, that had been a large part of it.

I should note that regarding the phone, I lost a lot of evidence. The text about the Conway fire. Photos, I’m sure, of something that had occurred and would have made some decent evidence, were also gone along with some personal pictures.

There is perhaps a connecting point where the Adrienne doppelgänger is concerned. Recall again that I had that strange feeling that lead to me hitting on a friend back in Indianapolis, when I met former Navy man Anthony Gipe. And the more recent euphoria that started before actually seeing that guy…since he had two faces, his own and Adrienne’s…I’m going to call him “Janus” from here on.

The point there, that it is possible to increase someone’s libido and/or sufficiently alter their thinking to the point that they may become promiscuous or fall in love with someone that they’ve just met. Throw in impaired judgment, and you can swing them wherever you want.

Why do I bring this up? Think also of what I wrote about WMD inspector Scott Ritter. How his arrests had hurt his ability to be an effective critic of the excuses for invading Iraq.

Now let’s talk careers. Eliot Spitzer [2], Anthony Wiener (another Congressman who was clamoring for Iraq withdrawal), and of course Bill Clinton.

Keep in mind that these people look for weak points to exploit. Just because someone has a history of drugs doesn’t mean that their overdose wasn’t a faked murder. In fact, if you want to get away with it, that’s exactly the kind of thing you look for. In my case, I expect they already knew something of Adrienne because, as you’ve read, that was after the New Jersey Shakespeare Festival.

1 The Guardian, ” Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media”, Nick Fielding and Ian Cobain, March 17, 2011:

2 TruthDig, “Not Too Big to Jail: Eliot Spitzer Is Wall Street’s Worst Nightmare”, Ellen Brown/Web of Debt, August 19, 2013:

It may not be a coincidence that the revelation of his indiscretions with a high-priced call girl came less than a month after he published a bold editorial in the Washington Post titled “Predatory Lenders’ Partner in Crime: How the Bush Administration Stopped the States from Stepping in to Help Consumers.”



Wicked Game – Chapter 13

“Barbarians at the Plamegate”

In the lead up to, on, and after 9/11, there were some odd things going on that all had to do with one officer over at CIA.

During the month of August 2001, this officer made certain that the fire alarm systems were working perfectly after a small fire had revealed that they were not [1]. I remind folks that one plane went down in Pennsylvania [2]. It is not clear where it was headed. Nor does it seem unlikely that it was headed to CIA headquarters. If Al Qaeda hit the Pentagon, it would seem likely in fact.

As if that were not suspicious enough, the day trading that went on that morning showed that someone tried to shortsell American Airline stock. Tried, because after the towers fell, they just left it alone and did not complete the intended transaction. One trading company that did that for an unknown client was this same officer’s former employer [3].

I had, in fact, tried to follow the shortselling story via Google after initially hearing about it. Then the story seemed to fall off of the face of the earth and I did not find any additional details about the airline stock trading investigation until 2010.

When it came time to look into those odd details, the brother of the officer happened to be the Inspector General at the State Department overseeing waste, fraud and abuse of contracts. He resigned after it was proven that he, like his brother, served on the board of Blackwater [4].

That in itself is extremely bizarre. You would think that, if completely innocent of any foreknowledge, they would want that whole thing to look as legitimate and above-board as possible.

As if that weren’t enough (and don’t forget the coincidences from the previous chapter) that same CIA officer came to work at one of my firm’s largest clients, DLA Piper [5].

DLA Piper is one of the largest law firms in the world. They were our client and a tenant at 1251 (in other, previous iterations as well, Piper Marbury and Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolf).

We also had at times as clients: Morgan Stanley, a division of Rothschild, Deutsche Bank (which owned Buzzy’s company, Alex Brown), Banco do Brasil, CDC (the French bank), Banco Santander, Weiser LLP, Meridian Capital, Octel, Deloitte & Touche, Extell Development, Moore Capital Management, Max Capital Management, Mitsui Fudosan, Paulson & Co., and representatives of the governments of Spain, Czech Republic, and Qatar. We also did some initial work on a housing project in Almaty, Kazakhstan, but I don’t recall who the client was [6]. We also had a lot of tenants we interacted with such at Ernst & Young, one of the big four accounting firms in the world, headquartered in London.

We also did some preliminary work on the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” in 2009. [7] Really, this was to be a cultural center that contained a place of worship and space for Koran and Bible study. One of the managers we worked with said his children were members of the YMJA, or equivalent and they had tentative support privately from Blumberg and people like Anthony Weiner. In one meeting, I was educated about Cordoba House, either as an actual potential name or just for inspiration.

Peace is never in the best interests of those who make a living off of spreading fear and maligning Muslims as a whole, milking the 9/11 cash cow for all it’s worth. And yet, there I was, involved in the high profile project. Similarly, less scrupulous politicians enjoy both their own private political thugs and kickbacks from the companies who profit off of the fear, hate, and bigotry.

I’m certain there are other clients that deserve mention. We were once in talks of working with the Carlyle Group, but that project never materialized or at least I never worked on it.

Besides those clients, we also dealt with on occasion, on behalf of the landlord, tenants such as the Canadian Consulate, National Hockey League, the People’s Bank of China, Chase (and it’s other previous incarnations such as JP Morgan), Anderson Kill Olick & Oshinsky, and many more big names in banking, Wall Street, insurance, accounting, and legal firms.

We also did residential work. Sometimes this involved people in related fields (usually Wall Street), sometimes Hollywood types and their condos, and sometimes we oversaw the refit or out-of-the-ground construction of condominiums.

More recently some things would come to light regarding some of those big corporate clients and tenants. Some of them would be among those who were laundering drug money, funding and otherwise profiting from terrorism, and among those who had illegally rigged interest rates. This became known as the Libor (London Interbank Offered Rate) scandal [8].

This last one especially would become circumstantial evidence of some kind of behavioral modification program, not in research phase, but rather active, inside the United States. A team of mathematicians based in San Diego would discover the scandal and would report it to Congress. Before they could testify, the son of one of these statisticians [9] would (allegedly alone) open fire at a movie theater and kill and wound people [10].

The young man, who was working on his doctorate in neuroscience, would be arrested and appear to be quite insane. His trial and sentencing would be happening in 2013.

There are more coincidences for me, this time related to James Eagan Holmes. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

As work was going on, things were starting to look a little strange where the Bush administration was concerned. For one, we went to war with Iraq. Donald Rumsfeld, the New York Times later printed, wrote some notes that included “Can we use this to go after Saddam?” [11]. “This” apparently referred to 9/11.

Then there were the infamous seventeen words that President Bush used in his 2003 State of the Union speech [12]. This would prompt a former diplomat, Joseph Wilson, to publish an op-ed questioning the argument for the invasion and how he had learned that the Niger forgeries were just that, first hand and on behalf of the CIA. There would come arguments that instead it had been something from British MI6 or MI5, but that would later be shown to be from a known liar codenamed “Curveball” who had already been labeled unreliable by CIA and other intelligence agencies [13].

They would also, in a kind of conflicting logic that the Bush administration would be known for [14] state that Wilson’s trip to Niger had actually bolstered their argument. Though this was as far as I know never explained, I expect it was the result of cherrypicking the portion about what conversations had occurred between Iraq and Niger. Ambassador Wilson found that the closest to anything like what we were later told that had taken place was that the officials said that there was a time that they believed that Iraqi officials wanted to discuss the possibility of buying yellow cake uranium but that the conversation had been steered away from that to never return.

Essentially, they pulled that one piece out and turned a perceived, second-, or third-hand “thought crime” into the reason for invading a country that they already wanted to invade. One that had been a partner in the secret wars on Iran but later was useful as a bad guy that had been propped up largely by the very same people who invaded Iraq twice (the first time via Kuwait and we didn’t stay).

I was beginning to smell a rat. When the Plamegate scandal broke, I saw it as the cornerstone of the Big Lie. Here, George W. Bush had stated that he was not going to wait for a mushroom cloud in order to invade Iraq. But in revealing the identity of a CIA operative, they had made that more, not less, likely. Valerie Plame-Wilson’s job was related to tracking weapons of mass destruction. She and her network were, for example, on the trail of the most notorious arms dealer in the world, A.Q. Khan. He is believed to be the source of nuclear arm technology having spread to a handful of countries.

As part of my effort to help reveal that and to support the Wilsons, I started frequenting a blog (“No Quarter”) run by former CIA anti-terrorism officer Larry Johnson. Johnson had in fact been a contemporary of Plame’s as I understand it. They had been at the CIA’s training facility, “the Farm”, at the same time.

I had found what I thought was a natural ally. Of course, there was and still is a great deal of enmity between some at CIA and Dick Cheney. I don’t actually know the origin of it. There’s reference to it in the film Fair Game [15].

So was it instead that the “puppetmasters” were using me as part of a phony grassroots effort to fight back against the Bush administration? I think it is decidedly so.

I also wound up sending some money to the legal fund. I had hoped that something would come of it, maybe further examination of the entire leak that resulted in making America less safe, but that didn’t, or hasn’t yet, materialized.

I have no regrets about having done it. None whatever. The more harassment I receive, the more I am convinced that it was, and this is, the right thing to do.

While frequenting NO QUARTER, I discovered another, as it would turn out, related scandal. A former FBI translator would reveal that several US officials had conspired to sell nuclear secrets to Israel through Turkey [16]. In fact, she would name one organization involved and it would be obvious checking the story that the Wilsons had also been at times hanging around that organization.

Sibel Edmonds and Valerie Plame-Wilson had a hold of the same beast by different tentacles. The sale of the secrets not only had given Turkey (a hotbed of GLADIO activity since WWII) but also possibly A.Q. Khan (and by extension others) access to the same secrets that these individuals had sold to Israel [17].

The Bush administration was not interested in controlling nuclear weapons. They were interested in spreading them and using that fear to help justify military misadventures wherever and whenever they pleased.

There was a backlash against Sibel Edmonds. I don’t recall all of the details, but I do think that the same kind of thing that was later done to me, had already been done to three actresses at the New Jersey Shakespeare Festival in ’88 to ’90, had been done to her.

As a result, some of her supporters abandoned her. The story started to fade from headlines. There was not much done despite (or because?) of the fact that eight of the conspirators were in Congress. Six were Republicans and two were Democrats (one of whom died of an apparent brain aneurysm). There were others in different positions.

I refused to let it either story go. I posted about it on various news and blogs and even blogged about it (though only a few times) on LiveJournal. LJ would at the height of Squidgate get bought by a Russian media company. The harassment, psychotropic NLWs, and whatever drug or drugs I had been slipped would at one point result in me deleting my entire LiveJournal blog. I’d try later to find mirrors of it (such as at to no avail.

Around 2007 or so, both Thorin and Cleo would become mysteriously ill. A story would circulate that contamination from Chinese ingredients had caused a recall of many brands of dog food [18]. As it turned out, the brand we were using was not on any of the lists that I found. I would, years later, decide that it had nothing to do with China.

And so they try now to get, poke, prod, intimidate, trick me into deleting my current blog [19].

Fool me once… Uhh… can’t get fooled again?

1 History Commons, “August 7-September 10, 2001: Fire and Evacuation at CIA Headquarters Helps Prepare for Response on 9/11”:

2 History Commons, “(After 10:00 a.m.) September 11, 2001: United Airlines Tells FAA Flight 93 Is over Maryland, Says Military Will Be Informed”:

3 History Commons, “September 6-10, 2001: Suspicious Trading of Put Option Contracts on American and United Airlines Occur”:


History Commons, “June 3, 2002: Results of 9/11 Related Insider Trading Inquiries Are Still Unknown”:

Also note that “Buzzy” was involved in the no-bid contracts that Blackwater USA received in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks…

4 …and that his brother, “Cookie”, was likewise involved, that his aides allegedly threatened State Department investigators if the did not desist in their investigation of Blackwater USA and his brother Buzzy.

Los Angeles Times, “State Department Official Resigns”, Paul Richter, December 7, 2007:,0,2205571.story

See also:

Sacramento Bee and McClatchy Newspapers, “Blackwater fact-finders threatened?” and “Blackwater investigators threatened, U.S. officials say”, Warren P. Strobel, September 29, 2007.

5 DLA Piper, “Outside Notables Series Presents…A.B.”Buzzy” Krongard, US Director of DLA Piper’s Global Board of Directors”, May 11, 2005:

A.B. “Buzzy” Krongard is an outside U.S. director to our Global Board of Directors which has been organized to oversee and coordinate the worldwide operations of the firm. Mr. Krongard is the former Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Executive Director is the third ranking position within the CIA and functions essentially as the Chief Operating Officer of the Agency.

Mr. Krongard was the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of investment banking firm Alex. Brown, Incorporated. He currently is the Non-Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of PHH Corporation, a leading outsource provider of mortgage and vehicle fleet management services.

6 Veterans Today, “US Bio-Chem Terror Factories and Syria: Attack on Syria exposes US biochem terror factories”, Gordon Duff, September 4, 2013:

I became aware of operations in the region in 2005 when former top CIA officials set up operations in the region. Though they had publicly “left” the CIA, they had, in reality, set up a new “privatized” CIA, one supported by a virtual army of private contractors staffed by top CIA specialist drawn into the private sector, gutting the real CIA and setting up an unaccountable organization tasked with developing advanced genetic based bio-weapons, vaccines capable of inducing “time bomb” diseases or “suicidal compulsions” and managing the world’s heroin supply, from production in Afghanistan to distribution, some through Global Hawk UAVs capable of flights around the world.

One such bioweapons facility is currently under construction in Kazakhstan, outside Almaty. Salon wrote about it. Nobody paid attention. Others are in Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia and Poland. One is in Libya, built in 2006 with US funds, reported by Wikileaks.


Salon, “The US is building a bioweapons lab in Kazakhstan”, Alex Pasternack, August 29, 2013:

7 The work we did was minimal, largely due to financial constraints. For example, I went on a site visit, did some 3-D mockups of what the building outline might look like:

13 07a Ground Zero Mosque

…as well as some floor area calculations.

See, for example:

Hamed Aleaziz, “Fox News Reignites Islamophobic Campaign Against The ‘Ground Zero Mosque’,” ThinkProgress, 10 December 2012:

About Cordoba House:

Ishaan Tharoor, “Islamophobia and the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ Debate,” TIME, 7 August 2010:,8599,2009147,00.html?xid=rss-topstories

Few of them are moved by the name of Rauf’s proposed building: Cordoba House, named for the city in Spanish Andalucia where Muslims, Jews and Christians once co-existed for centuries in an extraordinary flourishing of culture and science. In these times, the richness and diversity of Muslim experience, in the U.S. and elsewhere, seem far from the minds of most Americans.

An email I sent confirming the site visit:

MIME-Version: 1.0
Sender: chris[…].com
Received: by with HTTP; Mon, 21 Sep 2009 12:32:52 -0700 (PDT)

Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 15:32:52 -0400
Delivered-To: chris[…].com
X-Google-Sender-Auth: 726790e194031673
Subject: Re: SoHoProp: Site Visit & Meeting
From: Christopher Knall
To: […]
Cc: […].com, […] ,
[…] , […] ,
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=0016364d286f3c5e2504741b8c8c

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Yes, I will be there.

Christopher C. Knall
Chasan=95Nicoletti Inc.
1251 Avenue of the Americas
Suite […]
New York New York 10020
p 212-[…] x202
f 212-[…]

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 3:30 PM, […] wrote:

> Is 10:30 confirmed by everyone? Please confirm.

8 Libor scandal.

9 LinkedIn and HuffPo Robert Holmes, James Holmes, and mother.

10 Multiple shooter say witnesses.

11 Rumsfeld “Use 911 for Iraq?” note.

12 SOTU, 17 words, Wilson op-ed.

13 Curveball unreliable, reason for invasion of Iraq.

14 See for example Cheney’s double arguments for hiding his notes, that he at the same time enjoyed the executive privilege that only the President does and that he was actually, as President of the Senate, part of the Legislative branch and therefore not subject to the same laws that the rest of the Executive branch was. How can he be “the President” and part of the US Senate at the same time? Only a dictator could make such a claim.

They would–similarly and for in my opinion the express purpose of enraging the American people–when it came out that there was a large quantity of bad peanuts with the possible outcome of serious illness and even death if they were eaten, have FDA release an Orwellian statement to the effect of, “People need to be careful when handling meat.”

Blame the victims, provoke anger, use psychotropic nonlethal weapons to inflame passions, and attempt to drive the American people to violence to post-justify their already draconian, illegal, and overly intrusive domestic surveillance and covert ops activities. As with GLADIO in Europe, if the American people insisted on peaceful protest in order to affect change, the US government (with the aid of the UK government other members of NATO and others such as Saudi Arabia) would “fix” that. They’d use mind control research to force people to do violence, mess with their heads until they popped.

That’s a running theme both in this book and in the real world. It is time to wrap your head around how this is done if we ever hope to restore the Rule of Law, domestic tranquility, and the real will of the people having any say in what their government does and doesn’t do.

15 And that was another reason why Wicked Game got the title that it did. So many things pointing to it, it seemed like a no-brainer. You know, “a slam dunk.”

I also wound up titling a letter to the local Port Huron newspaper, “What I found in Port Huron,” referencing Ambassador Wilson’s op-ed title.

Of course I was drugged out of my mind at the time. More on that later.

16 You can find Sibel Edmonds’ story (the parts she is allowed to discuss, that she isn’t gag-ordered to keep quiet about) in her book:

Classified Woman, Sibel Edmonds, Sibel Edmonds publisher, ISBN-10: 0615602223, ISBN-13: 978-0615602226.

See also the irony of Bush’s seventeen words (while recalling also chapter 6’s portion on Michael Ledeen, neoconservatism, and lying in government) where a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury (under Reagan) and former associate editor at the Wall Street Journal discusses the neocon’s plan for nuclear war:, “The Two Faux Democracies Threaten Life On Earth”, Paul Craig Roberts, July 24, 2013:

17 It is also notable that some Navy secrets were sold to China in the 90s. There was what must have been the largest effort in history to uncover what had happened. FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA and others all had agents assigned to the investigation.

On September 11, 2001, an unknown number of the DIA agents assigned to that investigation died as a result of the attacks. The investigation would later be entirely abandoned in favor of issues more related to the War on Terror.

New York Times, “China’s Spies Are Catching Up”, David Wise, December 10, 2011:

The inquiry was led by the F.B.I. and run by a task force of 300 investigators from 11 federal agencies, including the Defense Department, the C.I.A., the National Security Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency. On Sept. 11, 2001, some of the investigators were killed when American Airlines Flight 77 was flown by terrorists into the Pentagon.

Treason, it seems, had become a pastime in the US. If you have the right friends and connections to protect you.

18 I’m breaking a rule using Wikipedia directly, but there are so many stories about it that this is the best timeline I have found:

19 It’s a lot of ranting, raving, and release of steam. Having had my brain “scuttled” by what I often refer to as the American Stasi, you are going to find a different tone and a lot of (at least seeming) speculation. However, having determined the psychological profile of the darker portions of the federal government through now years of experience, it is not all as much of a leap in logic as you might think.

Then there’s the question as to whether any of my responses to being treated so badly were my idea in the first place. Where do we as people stop and whatever is happening outside us begin? Especially where voice-to-skull and acoustic psycho-correction (and the many other variations and similar patents floating out there) and psychological harassment are concerned.


Wicked Game – Chapter 12

“Bones and Skull”

Work at the real estate consulting firm continued. One day during lunch, one of the partners, a co-worker and I saw Tom Brokaw and three or four young people sitting at a table near us. The reporter seemed to be comforting or reassuring them. We wouldn’t find out until later that there had been an evacuation of their studio due to the receipt of a letter containing anthrax.

There’s one 9/11-related coincidence. Read on.

We also got involved with a midtown rescue work relief station set up inside the tents for a fashion show inside Bryant Park. HBO was fitting the bill for the tents to stay up. The sites down at the financial district were over burdened, and so having one further uptown allowed people to have a less crowded space to go to unwind and it served as a collection point for materials that were headed downtown. We collected dust masks, work overalls gloves, tools, food and more.

We also kept information and passed on the word about several things. One older man rode his bike from location to location. I was told his daughter had worked in the WTC and was among the missing.

HBO was stepping up to the plate in other ways besides keeping the tents in place. The producers of The Sopranos had sent the show’s on-site mobile shower trailers over to the area for the rescue workers.

After about a month, HBO decided it was time to shut down the tent. The group who was running the place disagreed. I got invited to the meeting with HBO execs and decided to go.

There was a debate, really a fairly unheated one. HBO’s position had been that the Red Cross could handle it from there on. The groups’ position was that the Red Cross only used about 3% of its donations towards actually doing the work on the ground. The rest went to overhead. There was quite a bit of news coverage about where to send one’s money based around that.

The EPA had cleared the area as clean. Later, we would discover that the details of hazardous materials in the air had been covered up [1]. Rescue workers would wind up suing, some became very ill and a few died [2].

President George H.W. Bush came down to ground zero and promised remuneration to the families of those lost. Later, when that didn’t quite materialize as promised, and the White House press corps asked about it, the press secretary’s reply was, “No amount of money can replace a dead family member [3].” That mantra was repeated every time the subject came up. This should have been another clear sign that sociopathic social dominators are more interested in lining their own pockets through private contracts than helping those most directly and personally affected by terrorism.

There had been 60 police officers and 343 lost from FDNY in the collapse. We would learn later that one reason that so many firefighters were lost was because there had been a problem with the repeaters for the radios and many never heard the evacuation order. Giuliani would catch some blame due to having denied the recommendation to get FDNY and NYPD on the same system in case of emergency like a terror attack.

There were funerals practically every day as a result of those losses. As if we needed another reminder, seeing those caravans and men in dress uniforms walking in lines was a constant reminder that the City had just been sucker punched twice in one day and it had had serious repercussions.

As a city, we were on edge on the one hand and weary on the other. Alert and mourning at the same time.

One day, I was out walking Thorin and someone pointed at a little old lady who was likewise walking a Corgi. Hers, also a male I think, was the same color as Thorin, but was larger in every way. That dog had the overweight problem that Corgis were often known to suffer from.

The person who pointed her out told me the story. I think it appeared in the New York Times.

There was a policeman’s funeral a week or so before. The police were getting tired. The double-edged sword of the emotionally draining process of burying so many co-workers in a short period coupled with the strain of being extra vigilant, wondering what was coming next, had really frayed them. I noted that we, New Yorkers as a whole, tended to be in less of a hurry, spoke to each other as if we were long time neighbors, but also were overly concerned over anything out of the ordinary. While were on edge, it was also New York and hazards of one kind or other were a way of life even before 9/11.

The cops were standing outside a hall on the Upper East Side. Later, their deceased co-worker would be eulogized in absentia and the mayor and others would speak. While they were waiting, they heard a woman shout, “Drop it!”

A dozen or so police officers drew their weapons and turned towards the source of the shout. They spread out and took their stances, ready for anything.

Standing across the street was the little old lady. She was partially bent over, hanging on to one end of a greasy rib bone that someone had discarded from their lunch. The other end was of course in the mouth of her Corgi. She slowly turned her head and stared over her shoulder at the group of cops all aiming their guns at her and her dog. The cops laughed and put their weapons away.

Sometimes things aren’t what they seem. How you are feeling can affect how you react to it. How you are made to feel can further affect that, even when you have training and experience.

Six or seven months before, I had taken Cleo for her first visit to the dog run at Carl Schurtz Park. I was still doing some outside IT work then and got a call from a client requiring me to walk them through something on the computer.

When I hung up a young woman said, “Excuse me, sir, but I think your dog just escaped.”

Inquiring as to how that had been possible, she explained that she had squeezed in between the fence and gate, twice. There were two pairs of gates to prevent dogs running out when another was coming in.

I grabbed Thorin, ran out, and inquired. Someone told me which direction she’d gone.

I could just barely sometimes see her, walking along the river, as if this were perfectly normal.

I shouted but didn’t have much hope. She hadn’t really had time to learn her own name. It had only been a few days.

Eventually, I saw someone carrying her back my way. The shouting at least had alerted someone to the direction of the dog owner.

When I got her back I asked her what it was she thought she was doing. I don’t actually know the answer, but she didn’t do that particular thing again (though now I think about it, she did that the day we picked her up. Somehow, it had to be clear that it was her idea that she come back and go with these “two-leggers”).

Seven months later, I think it had only been two to three weeks after 9/11, I was again at the Park with the dogs. As I stood inside the dog run, my eyes were drawn to two men walking along the path to the west of the enclosure.

They were both Middle Eastern. One was a thin, nerdy looking man with glasses. The other was more like a body builder. They both wore blue t-shirts of the same shade of blue, but one had the logo of IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the electricians’ union) on it. The other shirt was plain.

On the one hand, I tried not to appear to be staring. But on the other, I wanted to get every detail in case this was something odd.

The nerdy one was going on and on about something in Arabic or Farsi. He was excited and the vocal and emotional message seemed to be along the lines of being happy about something, maybe even something like, “This could work.”

The other one, though, noticed me noticing them and started talking a little louder, over his companion in English. “Get ready, get ready, get ready,” he said.

That last part made me suspicious enough to call it in. I wasn’t sure, of course, and I worried even as I called that these could be two perfectly innocent people about to get swept up in the overzealousness of having missed preventing a terror attack on US soil. I struggled with it even as I spoke to the FBI person who took the call. I think he had decided that it was probably nothing.

My instincts said there was something wrong. The only thing these two “electricians” seemed to have on them were cellphone, each with on clipped onto their belts. They seemed a bit too clean for contractor work as well. And the “uniform” look only made me a bit more suspicious. If they were working, they would show up in a company truck or van, not walk through a park. They’d have had some tools, unless they were doing estimating. But then you’d expect a t-shirt with the company logo on it. To someone who’d worked in the construction industry in New York for ten years, this looked like bad cover.

I didn’t really expect to know or see more. I watched to see which way they walked anyway.

Five or six minutes later, a man came walking by with what was apparently his wife and son. He had a Bluetooth phone piece thingie in his ear and was talking.

“It’s near Gracie Mansion. It’s near Gracie Mansion.”

It then dawned on me. We were mere blocks from the traditional home of the mayor. I don’t know if I knew it or not at the time, but Giuliani was actually living with a friend in an apartment somewhere else. But would Al Qaeda have known that?

I pointed in the direction that the men had gone. The man on the phone, who was also wearing sunglasses, I think looked my way and walked with the woman and boy that same direction.

A couple of days later, I saw an ambulance and one of those black SUVs that NYPD detectives use (including the badge and chain hanging from the rearview mirror) parked in front of a rather posh apartment or condo complex.

I figured that must have been where the men had been holed up. The cellphones may have been on as the men described the layout of what they saw to accomplices elsewhere. The “Get ready” sequence may have been the warning notice, that they might be compromised. The man on the Bluetooth might have been FBI, explaining to someone else why the call should not be ignored: it was near a potential target. The potential terrorists (for some reason, I got a weird idea in stuck in my head that they might be Saudi intelligence) may have assumed I was undercover.

Are you undercover if you don’t know that you’re undercover? Are being directed by voice-to-skull without your knowledge? That’s a question that along with similar ones will later contribute to many a headache for me. And more heartache that I ever expected to experience in my remaining days.

Another bizarre coincidence and difficult to prove since it’s undoubtedly still classified what happened that day. But that is, to my best recollection and the facts as I saw them, what happened.

In 2004, there would be another strange incident. This time, I think the point was to discredit me.

I was with co-workers in a restaurant on Ninth Avenue for lunch. There was a man who looked familiar to me for some reason. I was wracking my brain trying to recall where I’d seen him before.

I wound up believing that he might have been one of the terrorists on the most wanted list. I phoned it in, but never heard back. I pushed, somehow feeling inside that if I didn’t, something bad was going to happen. I thought of the fireproofing at the WTC. And I decided to keep calling until I spoke to someone. I think I even sent a fax over.

When I finally did speak to someone, it was a female officer. I was shaky for some reason and running off at the mouth. I gave the wrong phone number and unintentionally insulted her. She was so angry that she handed the phone to someone else, a male co-worker.

I decided years later that for some reason, the man actually reminded me of Michael Ledeen. Not exactly, wasn’t him I’m certain, but I’d see a picture of him and make that connection. The question was, why, in 2004, was I so freaked out by seeing that man in the restaurant in the first place? Why was there a feeling of unease? Why had it ended in what likely was ultimately filed as a “crank” call to FBI?

Why had it coincided with the largest private expansion of the intelligence community [4]? Why had an employee of Booz Allen Hamilton been someone who had wound up in my social circle from 2003 to 2005 or so? Was that a clue?

Fear and some strange logic drove me to push harder than I normally would have. That is in essence what authorities believe eventually drove Bruce Ivins to send the anthrax letters. He believed that terrorists were going to do it one day. His warnings went unheeded. He decided then to make sure the point got into the American consciousness in the hopes that it would force the government to change security procedures.

The whole thing from the restaurant went from simple, mundane, to FUBAR in a short period of time. That kind of pattern would repeat on a bridge in Port Huron, Michigan, in December of 2009. December 8, 2009. The same day that the Open Government Directive would be released.

In the meantime, I’d be working for all sorts of clients, many that were international banks and law firms. I’d be thinking I was just doing my job, earning my paycheck and putting some away for retirement. I’d have no idea that someone else was spying on them, using that information for financial gain, and intended to use me as the fall-guy if anything went wrong.

1 See CBS News, “Insider: EPA Lied About WTC Air”, February 24, 2012:

2 Reuters, “Anniversary of 9/11 marked under cloud of health problems, funding fights”, September 9, 2012:

3 Of course, the situation was more complicated than that. Some families of victims wanted the truth to come out, the fund was in part set up to compensate for the loss of the breadwinners of the families and some made more dough than others. But I did see Dana Perino use words to that effect and she repeated it when another reporter asked a similar question. The point was to deflect from a promise that was broken, a reversal of what Bush had initially promised. I have been unable to find any reference to the press conference I saw that day on the Internet.

4 See again, Washington Post, “Top Secret America.”


Wicked Game – Chapter 11


11 a cckwtc1990s

I had a TV that could be set to turn on at a particular time. I used it in 2001 as my alarm clock. It was set to turn on at 7am, as I recall, but long hours sometimes meant sleeping through it and coming in later.

On September 11, 2001, I was at home and woke to CNN showing smoke coming out of one of the World Trade Center towers. This turned out to be the north tower, 1 WTC. [1]

I had forgotten just how large the building was. When they showed the footage of the first plane hitting, I had thought of the man who flew his plane into the White House some years before [2]. I had not realized that it had been a passenger jet (actually neither had CNN).

Then the second plane hit the south tower. I thought then that it was likely terrorism.

I called work. Those already there had heard about it but were unsure what to do. It seemed likely to me that this would mean a lot of people in places like Rockefeller Center going home early until what had happened became clearer.

Later there was footage of the fire department on the scene. The thought of calling the building’s management and telling them not to assume that the fireproofing would last one or two hours popped into my head.

To explain why, I have to back up a bit. As I mentioned before, I worked with an environmental consulting firm. One of the abatement contractors we worked with had an office in the WTC and virtually all of the contractors in town had worked in that building because, being so large, there was more work than one company could handle.

There was one week in the 90s when we got several visits from the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) at 1251. I wound up showing them to the floors on the third day that inspectors showed up. My co-worker explained that the rule was simple: don’t help them find faults but also don’t get involved with trying to argue out of any citations. Essentially, it was the contractor’s problem.

The contractor supervisor on site was an overly caffeinated and excitable fellow who I would wind up on occasion making very angry by asking him to fix things or correct them. It wasn’t personal, at least not to me.

The supervisor did argue with the two inspectors. I had trouble not smiling because I could see that he was mostly digging himself into a deeper hole. At one point, he tried to show them that something was easily repaired and utterly destroyed it due to his manic energy and lack of care. My co-worker remained completely poker-faced and merely took notes of the infractions.

However, once it was over, my co-worker had something else to do, perhaps to write up memos about what needed to be corrected or to see that the things noted from the inspectors got into the daily log that we kept. I was therefore saddled with showing the inspectors the way out. I asked them why they came to our building so frequently. They had come often and usually not found anything to write up.

“We use your building to show the new inspectors what a compliant project is supposed to look like.”

What he was saying, in other words, was that we had grown a reputation for being one of the most regulatory compliant buildings in the City when it came to asbestos removal. I asked around and found that that was true. In fact, contractors regularly had to calculate their inability to cut corners when bidding on our projects. While this likely did cost the owners a bit more money, their reputation was greatly improved over what had happened in the 80s when they got the news coverage for the opposite.

On these projects, the removal of asbestos is followed by the spraying or other methods of installing non-asbestos containing fireproofing. In our case, we used a spray-on variety.

There had been a time when there was a shortage of sprayers and even the material from the supplier in the City. There was more abatement going on in New York at the industry’s peak than anyone had anticipated.

On the projects that happened during this period, it became clear that the contractors (we actually had two working on different projects at the same time) were attempting to hide deficiencies because of the material and sprayer shortage. Naturally, we became even more vigilant after realizing this and made them do or correct what was contracted for.

This situation had lead to a few interesting situations. First, because there was a shortage, the contractor attempted to convince our team to accept a substitute assembly for the re-spraying of fireproofing. In other words, the original structural engineers had specified certain thicknesses of fireproofing on certain structural members (beams, columns, etc.) and now the contractor was looking how to appear to achieve the same fire protection utilizing less fireproofing.

They didn’t tell me that there was shortage. They submitted a request for substitution, which the specifications permitted them to do. I was assigned to look over their request and compare what they wanted to do with what was originally specified. In essence, they were trying to say that, for example, two inches of fireproofing was as good as four inches of fireproofing using a different assembly out of the United Laboratories (UL) book on fireproofing. I explained this to my boss and co-worker and they refused the request.

The contractor’s next step was to send a man from W.R. Grace to come visit my co-worker and I and to re-explain what the request had said. During this meeting, and I felt bad about it after–but have also at times laughed about it as well–I very nearly made this grown man cry. He got so choked up that he wasn’t able to speak. There was a step in his explanation that just didn’t make sense to me. The contractor re-submitted the request anyway.

UL had an office, I think somewhere on Long Island. I called and got a hold of an engineer. He said I was right, there was no way you could make that leap that the contractor and the W.R. Grace representative had said. Absolutely no way.

I informed the boss and co-worked again. The request was rejected again.

Here’s where it gets spooky. The same engineer I had spoken with called me back a few days later. This is an approximation of the conversation.

“I was wrong,” he said.

“Oh,” I grabbed the book again to discuss the subject. “So the formula we were looking at…”

“I was wrong.”

“Um. Ok. Just need to figure out how we can–”

“No. You don’t understand. I was wrong.”

“Ah. Ok. Thanks.”

He had clearly been told by a superior to call me back and explain that he was wrong. Since he was not wrong, he did what smarty-pants science types with ethics do and made it clear that this was case. I explained this to my boss, but I was still puzzled. The piece I wasn’t getting out of all of this, the tests themselves are paid for by the manufacturers. In other words, UL only has a job testing manufacturer materials because the manufacturers pay for it. Their clout had overcome the science, the engineering, based on a shortage of material, trained sprayers, and spray machines.

We still refused the request for substitution.

But what happened at the other buildings being worked on at the same time? It seemed possible that there would have been some deficiencies that would not have gotten the same scrutiny. We had that reputation and these were some of the same contractors. And we tended to only work with the better ones.

Of course there were other issues anyway. The jet fuel. The paper, the place being full of it. And the conspiracy theories surrounding some witness reports.

That same intern who said his deceased father had been CIA was the one who told me that (and I’m still not clear on where he got the information) CIA, NSA, and FBI had had offices down in the basement and they had all gotten out before the planes hit. He also said that the building contained the biggest listening post the US had, or because of the building’s height, it had served as an intel antenna to much of the world.

Among the witness reports is that there were explosions coming from below after the planes hit [3].

If it was true that there were intelligence agency offices down there, then it might follow that there were charges set as standard operating procedure to destroy any sensitive equipment or remaining data in the place. Those wouldn’t be the kind of things you’d want to leave lying around waiting to be discovered after such an attack.

But were they responsible for bringing the buildings down? I don’t know. Many people smarter than me, who understand engineering and have studied the subject have come down on both sides of that argument.

In any case, I did not try to call. It bothered me for some time after the collapse. While it seemed unlikely that I would have been heeded (practically everyone seemed to think at the time that a plane couldn’t bring the towers down), that wasn’t the point. It was that I hadn’t at least tried.

But the point here is that there are so many similarities between 9/11 and the unused OPERATION NORTHWOODS, followed by many fortunes made, that I cannot help but be suspicious. I think that at the very least we can assume that it was Al Qaeda in the planes and that they were instructed or “controlled” (choose your term) via something like voice-to-skull or subliminals combined with other factors to make it happen. MK/Ultra had been continued in the 80s for various purposes, perhaps including this one.

This would explain why, given that they used the same kinds of technology on me and others, and that someone would later fear that I were coming close to discovering the truth, that there was such an insane level of cloak-and-dagger all of a sudden springing up around me.

That all culminated in this book. It culminated in me living in a place I’d probably not have otherwise moved to, away and estranged from my friends of many years; a longterm relationship and career ruined; having had my head messed with in so many ways that the idea of a new career that doesn’t somehow involve what I’m doing right now seems impossible along with any chance of a life or something even approaching economic stability, or, really, any kind of stability at all.

Someone had it in for me. They all but got me to do something violent, something criminal, that would see me dead or in prison (further discredited and less able to tell the tale in ways like this). Discredited, labeled as insane, likely. For a while anyway. You’ll have to be the judge of that now.

The answer to the question “why?” wasn’t because I supported Bill Clinton, Valerie Plame-Wilson, Sibel Edmonds or Peter Watts. It wasn’t because I met Jeremy Scahill and had tried to write a story around the follies of using mercenaries and generally outsourcing critical security. It wasn’t because (as you’ll see) I contributed money to Wikileaks before the Manning story broke.

It’s because of the technology and techniques, the illegal programs, and that I witnessed and could (and have to an extent) put together in a narrative form.

Then came what happened after 9/11.

1 For the best and most complete (really you can spend days reading it) accounting of 9/11 and several other topics see, again, History Commons and its 9/11 Timeline:

2 New York Times, “CRASH AT THE WHITE HOUSE: THE OVERVIEW; Unimpeded, Intruder Crashes Plane Into White House,” Maureen Dowd, 13 September 1994:

3 History Commons, “Janitor Hears Explosions and Other Strange Noises in North Tower,” 11 September 2001:


Wicked Game – Chapter 10

“NORTHWOODS and 9/11: Peas in a Pod”

Those who ignore (and allow to be hidden) the past, are doomed to repeat it. The Red Scare has been replaced by Islamophobia. Ultimately this is about money. Who profits?

To understand that, and the lengths some will go to in order to get that money, you need in this case to understand what OPERATION NORTHWOODS was.

Operation Northwoods [1], the Joint Chiefs discussion in 1962 about how to start a war with Cuba in order to justify invading it:

From page 5:

5. The suggested courses of action appended to Enclosure A are based on the premise that US military intervention will result from a period of heightened US-Cuban tensions which place the United States in the position of suffering justifiable grievances. World opinion, and the United Nations forum should be favorably affected by developing the international image of the Cuban government as rash and irresponsible, and as an alarming and unpredictable threat to the peace of the Western Hemisphere.

The goal: Create a phony narrative wherein the US is defending itself from Cuba in order to move US and world public opinion so that they can invade Cuba and have domestic and foreign support. This is also known as a coalition of the willing [2].

Selected suggested courses of action follow.

From page 11:

3. A “Remember the Maine” incident could be arranged in several forms:

a. We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba.

This is eerily similar to the bombing of the USS Cole [3].

4. We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.

The events of “Charlie Wilson’s War” in the 1980s, in which the United States sought to and succeeded in making the Soviet Union go broke fighting an extended war in Afghanistan against the mujaheddin, includes using and training Osama bin Laden as an asset [4].

In the 1990s, the University of Nebraska spent time near the mujaheddin allegedly training locals for eventual pipeline work. Previously, they had supplied books on radical Islamic teachings, allegedly as a way of creating a resistance to Marxism. The Taliban visited the United States in the hopes of becoming the recognized government and cutting a deal for the energy [5]. The Clinton administration eventually refused, citing human rights abuses (especially the treatment of women and children) [6]. This radical trend and religious intolerance continued and in March of 2001, the Taliban destroyed two religious sites inside Afghanistan [7].

The first World Trade Center attack and 9/11 occur. This was followed shortly by the Amerithrax attacks [8].

Blackwater emails seem to indicate that they had something to do with the assassination of twice Pakistan prime minister Benazir Bhutto on December 27, 2007 and planned to somehow pin it on an “affiliate of Al Qaeda” [9].

[4. cont.] The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated). We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized.

Iraq used poison gases on the Kurds. Initially, the United States attempted to blame Iran for it [10]. This might have been due to Iraq’s longstanding conflict with Iran and who it was sold those chemical weapons to Iraq. In any case, this was later used as part of the justification for invading the country [11]:

[Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld] bitterly condemns Saddam as a ruthless and brutal monster and frequently backs up his words by citing the use of the very weapons which it now appears he helped to supply.

(When asked whether or not he had ever personally met Saddam Hussein by the Washington press corps, Rumsfeld said, “No.” When presented with this photographic evidence, his only reply was, “Where did you get that, the Iraqi Minister of Information?”).

There’s a second reason to focus on Rumsfeld. I’ll cover more about INFORMATION OPERATIONS ROADMAP [12]–a set of instructions signed by him when he was SECDEF–later and how I think it plays into domestic PSYOPs.

Much was made of Uday Hussein’s “rape rooms,” as a means of inflaming passions against the regime of the father, Saddam Hussein [13].

While probably true, there was also rape, torture, and other abuse by the United States against Iraqis (some of whom had simply been swept up in broad dragnets to determine the nature of the Iraqi resistance) at Abu Ghraib [14]. Still others were tortured in Uzbekistan until they confessed to being Al Qaeda. Intelligence from the latter, that sometimes included torturing the target’s children or raping his wife in front of him, was passed on to Washington [15].

[4 cont.] Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the arrest of Cuban agents and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government.

Crudely made forgeries that falsely indicated that Iraq had purchased yellow cake uranium from Niger surfaced in Italian newspapers, spreading fear of an Iraqi nuclear program. That is, they attempted to show Iraq as having a dangerously irresponsible government [16].

And, where there is already distrust on the part of a neighbor, exploit it:

[from 5.] These efforts can be magnified and additional ones contrived for exposure. For example, advantage can be taken of the sensitivity of the Dominican Air Force to intrusions within their national air space. “Cuban” B-26 or C-46 type aircraft could make cane-burning raids at night. Soviet bloc incendiaries could be found.

And how can we forget Colin Powell’s briefing to the United Nations [17] and the hunt for WMDs that never found anything [18]?

Then there was another suggestion that was refused by the British, to paint “UN” on the side of a plane and provoke or trick Iraq into shooting it down when it entered Iraqi air space or that a defector would give a phony presentation on Iraqi WMDs [19].

[5 cont.] This could be coupled with “Cuban” messages to the Communist underground in the Dominican Republic and “Cuban” shipments of arms which would be found, or intercepted, on the beach.

Iran was blamed for Nigerian arms smuggling [20] even as a year later…

…The Department of Homeland Security, who pools it’s intelligence from all of the other intelligence sources, attempted to draw the United States into yet another oil war, this time in Nigeria [21].

7. Hijacking attempts against civil air and surface craft should appear to continue as harassing measures condoned by the government of Cuba.

The so-called shoe and underwear bombers and similar attempts at using planes as weapons fit the bill. The latter was even working as an informant for the CIA and Saudi intelligence [22].

8. It is possible to create an incident which will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked and shot down a chartered civil airliner enroute from the United States to Jamaica, Guatemala, Panama or Venezuela. The destination would be chosen only to cause the flight plan route to cross Cuba. The passengers could be a group of college students off on a holiday or any grouping of persons with a common interest to support chartering a non-scheduled flight.

There you have 9/11 itself. Murdering American citizens and blaming it on Cuba or Iraq and Al Qaeda. They had to go bigger to show that a few terrorists (as opposed to a state actor like Cuba) could accomplish something so horrific as to be taken seriously enough to justify the invasions (and the expansions, mass privatizations, attacks on civil liberties and whistleblowers, etc.).

Note that they later changed this portion of the NORTHWOODS plan to utilize corpses instead of live college students (though it wasn’t really clear from what I’ve read as to where the bodies would come from). I have often wondered who suggested that change and under what circumstances. It must have been “interesting” attempting to get people to understand that killing Americans to achieve this goal might not be a good idea to those who didn’t seem to bat an eye at the idea in the first place.

[8.] a. An aircraft at Elgin AFB would be painted and numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered aircraft belonging to a CIA proprietary organization…

Included so you can understand what we’re talking about. The CIA and Department of Defense often worked together on these kinds of things. More recently, it seems as though the Defense Intelligence Agency is perhaps taking over CIA’s covert operations efforts, or we are expanding in some major ways [23].

In any case, there is ample indication that both the CIA and DoD contain/contained people who put their personal profits ahead of American lives, the safety and security of the US, and do not care how many tax dollars they waste because it weakens the parts of the government who would likely want to stop these kinds of false-flag-for-profit activities.

Additionally, you’ll note anti-Muslim rhetoric that is similar to the anti-Cuban rhetoric of the time of NORTHWOODS. Some people want perpetual war but don’t want to pay for it, which means that the middle class (if it survives this crisis) is going to be burdened with it.

Pointing this out strikes me as a simple and effective way of getting the defense industry back on track with something more akin to reality instead of the enrichment of a few at the expense of blood and money for many brought about by PSYOPs actually aimed not at the UN but at the American people.

The main architect of NORTHWOODS, General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, was shipped off to NATO after this. Defense Secretary William McNamara (under JFK) decided instead on CIA Director Richard M. Bissell’s plan, which became the Bay of Pigs invasion.

NATO had already been running another operation called GLADIO since the end of WWII. The original idea was to put in place the equivalent of the French underground in most European countries. Trained and ready resistance fighters would be ready in case the Soviet Union invaded the countries in question.

When that didn’t much occur, they used the organization instead to alter, influence and sometimes even control policy decisions within those countries. They acted as a shadow government. They ran most, if not all, of the radical organizations, such as the Irish Republican Army and the Red Brigade.

If people weren’t going to start terrorism on their own and instead chose the peaceful path to socialism or socialist policies, then they would create violent, radical groups to discredit the nonviolent ones.

Now they have become radicals in their own right, to becoming fascists. And it’s not just Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Africa on the list of targets.

This very thing has happened repeatedly in the United States itself, whether it was the civil rights movement or more recently the various Occupy groups. They either get infiltrated or some agents provocateur show up for the news cameras.

Now add voice-to-skull, subliminals, PSYOPs, drugs, and harassment to that equation. You can influence the behavior of genuine, sincere members of any group and even steer a group as a whole toward radicalism and violence. That’s how 9/11 got engineered and any number of other violent acts that affected policy, resulted in more contracts for private defense, intelligence and security firms, or intimidated, killed, silenced or otherwise neutralized whistleblowers, witnesses, leaders of movements, and individuals who sought to change things as they saw fit.

Finally, to remind folks what tied all of the above together, the attempt to put a “legion of genies” back into the bottle:

Cheney and Bush attempted to re-classify previously unclassified materials and later Obama tried to declassify a lot more [24].

Something to note: the Obama administration’s Open Government Directive was issued on December 8, 2009. That’s a date that lives in infamy (for me and some other people).

But things changed dramatically since 2009. Transparency is gone. What happened?

I’m going to try to answer that. I was after all on the front lines.

Not numbered but also a PSYOP:

Sourcewatch, “Toppling of statue of Saddam Hussein was staged,” 21 November 2008:

Pentagon favorite for replacing Saddam Hussein as President of Iraq and the man who sent Iraqi defectors and encouraged them to talk up tales of Iraq’s WMD programs, and who lobbied Washington for action in Iraq, Achmed Chalabi, can be seen in a photo earlier with one of the men involved in bringing down the statue.

Information Clearing House, “The photographs tell the story…Is This Media manipulation on a grand scale?,” 15 April 2003:

1 National Security Archive, “Pentagon Proposed Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962,” 30 April 2001:

2 BBC, “US names ‘Coalition of the willing,’ ” Steve Schifferes, 18 March 2003:

3 CNNBurden of Proof, “USS Cole Investigation: New Clues Discovered in Deadly Bombing,” 12 October 2000:

And a possibly biased “Remember the Maine” history link for reference. Apparently not that many people do remember the Maine these days.

4 BBC, “Who is Osama Bin Laden?,” 18 September 2001:

5 History Commons, Unocal, University of Nebraska, and Tom Gouttierre in Afghanistan:

6 See Afghanistan: Post-Taliban Governance, Security, and U. S. Policy, Kenneth Katzman, DIANE Publishing publisher, 2009, p. 6.

7 Same, p. 5-6.

8 See again Wicked Game, Chapter 6, note 3 on attempts to blame Al Qaeda for the anthrax letters.

9 See Nation, “Blackwater’s Black Ops,” Jeremy Scahill, 4 October 2010:,1.

In October 2007, when media reports emerged that Bhutto had hired “American security,” senior Blackwater official Robert Richer wrote to company executives, “We need to watch this carefully from a number of angles. If our name surfaces, the Pakistani press reaction will be very important. How that plays through the Muslim world will also need tracking.” Richer wrote that “we should be prepared to [sic] a communique from an affiliate of Al-Qaida if our name surfaces (BW). That will impact the security profile.” Clearly a word is missing in the e-mail or there is a typo that leaves unclear what Richer meant when he mentioned the Al Qaeda communiqué. Bhutto was assassinated two months later. Blackwater officials subsequently scheduled a meeting with her family representatives in Washington, in January 2008.

10 BBC News, “1988: Thousands die in Halabja gas attack,” “On This Date” section:


Initially, the US Defence Intelligence Agency blamed Iran for the attack. Halabja is around eight to 10 miles (14km to 16km) from the Iranian border.

However, the majority of evidence indicates that the gas attack was an Iraqi assault against Iranian forces, pro-Iranian Kurdish forces and Halabja’s citizens during a major battle.

11 Daily Mail, “Rumsfeld ‘helped Iraq get chemical weapons,’ ” William Lowther:

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld helped Saddam Hussein build up his arsenal of deadly chemical and biological weapons, it was revealed last night.

As an envoy from President Reagan 19 years ago, he had a secret meeting with the Iraqi dictator and arranged enormous military assistance for his war with Iran.

The CIA had already warned that Iraq was using chemical weapons almost daily. But Mr Rumsfeld, at the time a successful executive in the pharmaceutical industry, still made it possible for Saddam to buy supplies from American firms.

They included viruses such as anthrax and bubonic plague, according to the Washington Post.

The extraordinary details have come to light because thousands of State Department documents dealing with the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war have just been declassified and released under the Freedom of Information Act.

At the very least, it is highly embarrassing for 70-year-old Mr Rumsfeld, who is the most powerful and vocal of all the hawks surrounding President Bush.

12 National Security Archive, “Rumsfeld’s Roadmap to Propaganda: Secret Pentagon ‘roadmap’ calls for ‘boundaries’ between ‘information operations’ abroad and at home but provides no actual limits as long as US doesn’t ‘target’ Americans,” 26 January 2006:

Note that use of the word ‘target’ was also used to try to hide sweeping surveillance of US citizens by the NSA. What they have narrowly defined target to mean is usage of PSYOPs–or collecting of your communications–of you specifically as an individual as opposed to everyone until such time as they need the data to use against you for whatever purpose they desire. It is deceitful and a little Orwellian since you are targeted by both as you understand the term.

13 Slate, “Rape Rooms: A Chronology,” William Soletan, 5 May 2004:

Telegraph, “Saddam’s demon seed: Uday Hussein’s many vices and wanton sadism appalled even his father. And one man was on hand to witness it all – Uday’s unwilling ‘body double,’ ” Colin Freeman, 6 August 2011:

14 History Commons, “Torture, Rendition, and other Abuses against Captives in US Custody: Abu Ghraib Scandal Aftermath”:,_rendition,_and_

15 Alternet, “Former British Ambassador’s claim: CIA sent people off to be boiled alive and ‘raped with broken bottles,’ ” Daniel Tencer, 5 November 2009:

16 For comprehensive coverage of the Niger forgery and “Plamegate,” again see History Commons:

17 History Commons, “Powell Gives Fraudulent Presentation About Iraqi WMDs to UN,” 5 February 2003:

18 NBC News, “CIA’s Final Report: No WMD found in Iraq”, AP, 25 April 2005:

19 Independent, “Bush plotted to lure Saddam into war with fake UN plane,” Andy McSmith, 3 February 2006:

20 The Telegraph, “Iran Arms Smuggling Details to Be Disclosed,” Con Coughlin, 13 January 2011:

21 Global Research, “DHS report: Terrorist activity in Nigeria requires US intervention,” Nile Bowie, 19 January 2012:


Global Research, “COVERT OPS IN NIGERIA: Fertile Ground for US Sponsored Balkanization,” 11 April 2012:

The group [Boko Haram] has claimed responsibility for the August 2011 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in the Nigerian capital, Abuja…The Nigerian Tribune has reported that Boko Haram receives funding from different groups from Saudi Arabia and the UK…While top AFRICOM General Carter Ham claims terrorist networks pose a “real challenge” to the United States…the confirmed reports accusing the US of arming and training Islamist terrorist groups remain safely neglected in official Pentagon press statements.

22 History Commons, entries for ‘Richard C. Reid’:


Guardian, “‘Underwear Bomber’ Was Working for the CIA,” Paul Harris and Ed Pilkington, 8 May 2012:

23 Washington Post, “DIA sending hundreds more spies overseas,” Greg Miller, 1 December 2012:

More recently, it has been reported that these plans may have been decreased in scope, though the truth seems fuzzy:

Washington Post, “Pentagon’s plans for a spy service to rival the CIA have been pared back,” Greg Miller, 1 November 2014:

24 Daily Kos, “Obama’s Sweeping Open Government Directive,” Nuisance Industry, 14 December 2009:

Nonpartisan history associations have decried the policies of the Bush-Cheney administration in reclassifying documents, reducing funding for archives, and otherwise making access to government information more opaque than ever before.
